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Henri Camara - your memories


New member
Feb 2, 2016
Reaction score
Hello there.

I'm writing an article about Henri Camara (it's a kind of Where Are They Now? thing) and I want to get fans' memories about him as a player. Any memories/stories you have - good or bad - please post them here. Doesn't even have to be a story/memory as such, could just be your general view on his time at Molineux. Especially good would be any personal memories you have of meeting him/seeing him around town - stuff like that.

I'd want to use some of the your quotes for the article, which will appear on the Yahoo Football website next week. So if you don't want your comments to be used then let me know, and they won't be. All quotes will be credited to Wolves Forum.

I should point out I'm not a Wolves fan, I'm actually a Hammer. Feel free to abuse me for this!


Him, not you.
The former Wolves player I most despise.
After last night we needed a vent to release our anger.

Thanks for providing it.....

Good player but a money grabbing (or probably more likely agent was) fucker who never did as much in his career as he could have.
Weapons grade smeg cannon.
A legend in his own mind and never had the tools to deliver what he felt he was capable of. Took the unforgivable step of refusing to report for pre-season/train to force a move and can frankly rot as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't give less of a fuck about where he is now.
Not helped by the actions of that cuntpuddle McKay, but my overall opinion of 'Our Henri' is that I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than meet him.
The fallout from the Camara debacle was probably one of Moxey's finest hours TBF - how much did he get for him for loans and permanent deals? It was ridiculous IIRC.
The fallout from the Camara debacle was probably one of Moxey's finest hours TBF - how much did he get for him for loans and permanent deals? It was ridiculous IIRC.

1.5m loan fee to Celtic, then 3.3m to flog him IIRC.
i remember he had a nice pink shirt

on the pitch generally good memories despite some dodgy finishing
Finally started to get going when it was too late in the season, as there was very little for fans to hold onto during a tough season and they saw him as one small positive.

Upon relegation he then prceeded to have his head turned and was poorley advised to go on strike, behaving in a very unprofessional manager.

Fans immediately decide hes the Antichrist for hurting their feelings - a largely obscure career followed him from that point on. The club actually did very well out of him financially and did well to stand their ground.

Wolves 1 - APOTY 0
1.5m loan fee to Celtic, then 3.3m to flog him IIRC.

I'm sure there was a second loan fee too.

And yes, Henri Camara can do one. Glad he can enjoy polishing his permanent African Player of the Year trophy. Nowhere near as good as he thought he was, and an utter prat to boot.
1.5m loan fee to Celtic, then 3.3m to flog him IIRC.

Wasn't it some sort of record for a loan fee at the time? I'm sure we then had him back in the same season and also loaned him out, again for a fee, this time to Southampton?

I took my son, who was then 3, to his first match a league cup tie against Burnley. Camara went on a run in the game and I shouted go on Henri, my son then shouted "yes go on Henry, go on Thomas, go on Percy. I guess that Thomas the tank engine was more of his thing at that age.

I liked him as a player when he was playing, despise him for what he did to the club and will always despise the agent that he used.
I'm sure there was a second loan fee too.

And yes, Henri Camara can do one. Glad he can enjoy polishing his permanent African Player of the Year trophy. Nowhere near as good as he thought he was, and an utter prat to boot.

He was a prick.

Camara oh oh oh oh
Camara oh oh oh oh
He comes from Senegal
His word is worth fuck all
The late winner v Leicester was a rare highlight.