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New 3 Year deal for.....


Staff member
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
TWF Favourite - Matt Doherty
Bit if a surprise that, though we do know that KJ rates him. I hope he has his best years to come and can provide good competition for Iorfa.
Three years seems excessive for a second choice full back. At max I'd give him two with a year in our favour.
Wise move, I'm sure Bayern were ready to swoop in January with a lucrative pre-contract. Well done Wolves for heading the danger off and making sure quality players like Doherty and Edwards are tied down.
I detect a note of sarcasm in you post...Wait, I'll just check

Why don't you get Footie Gifts to sponsor him ???
Kiss of death :)
People have said that they think our younger players should be tied down to contracts, so I think this is possibly a good move. And with a three year deal, Doherty must be in the plans for the future.
The good ones need tying down. Not the awful ones.

- New deal to 2019 (!) for Doherty who didn't look competent defensively in League One and looks horrendous in every way at this level

- New deal for Edwards, captaining the team and playing every minute of every game until he got injured, including on the left wing and in central midfield in a 4-4-2

- Shola Ameobi on trial, with his 9 goals in English football since August 2011

If this is a test of faith Ken, you're really pushing the boundaries.
Does Kenny give out new contracts though?

I could see the point of an extra year to give a bit of value in a sale. 3 is a joke on footballing grounds. In a Month where the clubs strategy is being called into question it's not going to do a lot for PR either.
I bet no club above L2 would want Doherty, same as no-one has ever bid for Edwards in the near on eight years we have owned him. There isn't any value to protect, especially with Doherty when we paid pennies for him in the first place.

Ken would surely recommend to the board which players he wants to keep long term, they don't just hand out deals unilaterally. Otherwise you get saddled with useless players who you can't give away for years and years...oh.
Preparing for the inevitable sale of Iorfa this time next year?
Three years seems excessive for a second choice full back. At max I'd give him two with a year in our favour.

He'll be first choice when we sell Iorfa for 'footballing reasons'
I'd rather have Ebanks-Landell at RB. And if the likes of Aaron Simpson and Tendai Matinyadze aren't better than Doherty then they have no business being here.

He isn't going to improve his ability to run and turn, or acquire a first touch, even if he did ever learn where he's supposed to stand or stop slicing clearances horribly. As baffling a decision as signing Quashie/Bent on loan or the multiple contracts Darren Ferguson kept getting handed.
I'd rather have Ebanks-Landell at RB. And if the likes of Aaron Simpson and Tendai Matinyadze aren't better than Doherty then they have no business being here.

He isn't going to improve his ability to run and turn, or acquire a first touch, even if he did ever learn where he's supposed to stand or stop slicing clearances horribly. As baffling a decision as signing Quashie/Bent on loan or the multiple contracts Darren Ferguson kept getting handed.

This is it for me. He hasn't shown any sign of improving since we signed him, he's a League of Ireland player. I've dug out this post from May 2012 and he's literally still the same player (hating on Doherty before Deutsch made it cool :cool:) www.wolvesforum.co.uk/showthread.php?16115-Matt-Doherty.
(hating on Doherty before Deutsch made it cool :cool:)

Deutsch had Doherty down as a "Good back up for Foley, very similar player" When Foley was good btw.......
He duped me at Anfield. He must have earned a new boot deal that day, with the proviso that they were made of cement.
Fucking abysmal footballer.

Fucking abysmal deal

Fucking abysmal all round at the moment.