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QPR (H) NYE build up + Matchday Thread

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Jeff Shi's Bitch
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
A chance for back to back home wins for what feels like the first time ever against a terrible QPR side. Their last minute consolation scramble against us at Loftus Road was the last goal they've scored in the league and they've even managed to lose to Rotherham since then. Perfect time to play them and put a very interesting and at times maddeningly frustrating 2016 to bed.


Coady Stearman Hause Doherty

Edwards Price

Costa Mason Cavaleiro


SUBS: Burgoyne, Iorfa, Dicko, Enobakhare, Batth, Saville, Ronan​

If Saiss was dropped against Brizzle to rest him ahead of ACON then there's no sense in bringing him back for this. Bodvarsson & Mason have proven that they can play well together so if they're both fit they have to play IMO. Dicko has had a few games to work himself back in, maybe what he needs now is a bit of a breather so he can reflect on his comeback and then kick on. Mason probably wont last the whole game and Enobakhare might be better against tired legs so that one makes sense to me as well. The defence looks shite whichever way you line it up but it's time for Batth to drop out. He keeps making mistakes and his partners keep getting the axe, how about we try a combination that doesn't include our fearless leader and see if that works.
Agree with that team
Cant see Lambert dropping DB so Hause for DB would be my only change
Would be happy with that though doubt that Batth will get dropped - agree that Dicko has had opportunities & Bod has had a decent break from playing

Coming up for this one - hopefully get to see a few mins at least of Ronan. Would like to see for myself whether he has the potential that has been spoken of
Holloway is under pressure & it shows - QPR forums have mixed views as to whether to keep him or get rid
Worst appointment by anyone since we appointed you-know-who.

The man is a fucking cretin. I'd hope that us beating them meant that he was indeed sacked in the morning if I could guarantee Sky wouldn't hire him straight back to peddle his gibberish.
I agree with that team.

I really hope we beat this lot - I can't stand Holloway. I used to find him quite entertaining but he's a self parody now. And seems unbelievably bitter as well nowadays.
I would like us to have his team smashed out of sight by about halftime. Four or five up. And then the second half can be a forty five minute chorus of "you're getting sacked in the morning" aimed at the twat. It's a shame. I have a massive soft spot for Bristol Rovers but this imbecile as the most famous gashead out there is just embarrassing for them.

QPR are absolute mince. We should destroy them. I expect us to deliver on that for a fucking change and start properly moving in the right direction.
I like that team.

I would prefer Saiss to Edwards (who knows, Edwards may be knackered and need a rest?) but I can't see Dave being dropped.

If Dicko is fit i'd like him to play as it's possibly his best chance to bag a goal but can't argue with starting Bod. Maybe give Dicko the last 30 minutes. It would be a good chance for Mason too
They've taken 4 pts in the last 10 games & none in the last 6

Leaking goals (though no more than we do), but in addition cannot score (only 4 goals in the last 10 games)

Will expect to concede, but only once & our front line to run riot
Batth won't be dropped. Though I agree that Dicko needs a break.

Regarding our opponents. In the first half at Brighton at times they played some decent football and created a couple of chances. I would be very doubtful that we will be four or five up at half time.
Where they were okay for ten minutes and ended up on the end of a 3-0 shellacking, to go with their last five consecutive defeats?
I'd play Saiss alongside Stearman - it would make it easier to play out from the back
"QPR were good in the first half, with some really good passages of play,"

Not my words, but those of Chris Hughton. And I agree with him.
"QPR were good in the first half, with some really good passages of play,"

Not my words, but those of Chris Hughton. And I agree with him.

Really good passages of play are only relevant if you score during that time - as I said they have scored 4 goals in the last 10 games

Impressive play is only helpful if you score - they don't at the moment
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