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The Oscillating Wildly Thread

Deutsch Wolf

aka Dawn
Oct 16, 2009
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Here we go again with a series looking back at a bit of nostalgia through the last 30 years. I'll be running through each manager we've had since 1986 and hopefully have it all completed before the season starts (unlike the Christmas series, it won't be one a day or necessarily to any set timeframe, they'll just get done when they're done). This was supposed to come out a few weeks ago but it's been quite time-intensive as it turns out, and I wasn't happy with my first couple of goes at it - fundamental that anything I send out is the best I can do, otherwise there's no point.

Oh, and I have embedded YouTube videos now. Woooo.

Anyway, I hope it's worth the wait. Graham Turner up first. They'll all be done in chronological order so if you're waiting for Saunders...it'll be a while yet.

Here we go again with a series looking back at a bit of nostalgia through the last 30 years. I'll be running through each manager we've had since 1986 and hopefully have it all completed before the season starts (unlike the Christmas series, it won't be one a day or necessarily to any set timeframe, they'll just get done when they're done). This was supposed to come out a few weeks ago but it's been quite time-intensive as it turns out, and I wasn't happy with my first couple of goes at it - fundamental that anything I send out is the best I can do, otherwise there's no point.

Oh, and I have embedded YouTube videos now. Woooo.

Anyway, I hope it's worth the wait. Graham Turner up first. They'll all be done in chronological order so if you're waiting for Saunders...it'll be a while yet.


But I didn't have to wait long for my first Dean Saunders picture! :icon_lol:
Good article that DW. As for nostalgia, it's pretty much downhill from here...
Fantastic read. I really did like Turner as our manager and he got us going back in the right direction, Division wise
There's too much to take in at work, I'll give it an indepth read tonight :)
Excellent timing DW! Work is v quiet, so something to read (study even!) is great.

Lol'd at darlo's comment above.

I have the only way is up at home, and this (and the book) were very reminiscent reads. Turner will always (to me) be viewed in a popular light. He got us to his ceiling, and with hindsight, and objectivity, we should have replaced him sooner. But as a fan I *really* wanted him to succeed.

Interesting thing, memory too. I thought he resigned, after realising he couldn't take us that last step.

Looking forward to reading the rest of these :)
Great piece Dan. That Paul Stancliffe goal is still breathtakingly bad and it's the reaction of everybody else that makes me laugh.

I watched the Bully goals twice I'd forgotten them, my dad died 5 weeks after that game and his company was due to sponsor the Ipswich game on the 10th of Feb. Graham Turner being the absolute gent he is took me and my brother for a guided tour around Molineux (well the bits you could go round anyway!) before the game and showed us the TV room which made Philip Schofield's cupboard look like the BBC News studio. He had time for everybody and asked us to come back after the game (we won 2-1) and chat to him.

Just an ace human being with bags of time for everybody.
Great read DW not disagree with much in that article.
Nice one Dan. Obviously before I was born so it's great to be able to learn more about that period.
Nice one Dan. Obviously before I was born so it's great to be able to learn more about that period.

Don't believe a word he tells you about Paul Cook. I also know what would have happened if Thomas has stayed fit - we would have walked the league.

As for

... ....the ongoing restlessness towards the end of Turner’s reign was perhaps borne out in the home FA Cup defeat to Bolton in January 1993, where depending who you believe, even Bully got booed (though my recollection is that it wasn’t specifically targeted in his direction).

My recollection of it too. The booing was based on us not beating able to beat a shit Notlob team despite the numerous chances that we had created. I didn't clap the fuckers off (Notlob that is) at full time either like many others did which was just copying what Liverpool did a few days earlier.
As for not spending much in Division Four, I think Laws Bus wrote a piece once stating that although the sums involved didn't seem particularly big, at the time they were quite large and unprecedented for a club in Division Four. The same side basically had us challenging towards the top of Division Two two years later which showed the level of the signings that had been made.

A good piece as usual mind but I'm horrified that you didn't mention Kevin Ashley's goal at Southend where for some unfathomable reason, when we were one nil up with just a minute to go, he found himself in the oppositions penalty area, barging Bully out of the way to score our second. He was a highly rated England U21 international when we signed him but he must have peaked before he put pen to paper at Wolves as his career just went downhill from there.
Had a quick look but will read it later when I can chill. Keep up the good work
Great read Dan. That Paul Stancliffe OG... :icon_lol:
Top stuff. Should be the start of another great series.

I only caught the tail end of the Turner years as I started watching Wolves properly around 1991 (although my first match was in 1989) and my memory isn't the best anyway! TBF my memories of the Taylor era are also a bit hazy as I discovered a love of girls and rock music around that time which distracted me slightly :icon_lol:
Good as ever, Dan.

I'd only just started going towards the end of Turners reign so I was a Wolves mad kid but never had a great deal of understanding regarding his departure. Its always come across forget the final year or two and focus on what he did for us, which is good i guess but until today i didnt realise his other frailties.
Good read that, although my memory of Mountfield and Birch is a bit different, thought they were quality even though both probably getting to the end of their careers, well Derick anyway..........was along time ago though
Great read mate, I never realised my first ever game was Turner's final match!
Great read.

Cook was an incredibly frustrating footballer - you've got him spot on in my view. I take issue with Steele though. Like Ronaldo next to Paul Jones.
Loved it.

Mind you I am probably the source of Dan's ire about fans loving Paul Cook far too much, so read into that what you will!
A very good read DW, I wonder if GT would have as successful without Bully but then he did sign him. I think you hit the nail on the head about some of the more expensive signings. Maybe a Mick McCarthy of that era?

I've said on here before that the Paul Stancliffe own goal was my first game.

I agree with you about Paul Cook, I thought he was a bit shit when I saw him play but I wasn't very old so thought I may have missed some of what he did. An early Darren Ferguson lol?

I do remember one game where we had two free kicks outside the box shooting towards the old North bank. First one hit the base of the wall and the second pretty much hit the clock. Mark Burke was a player though.