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TWF's Best of a Bad Bunch Manager Choice

Who would be your 'favoured' candidate

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  • Poll closed .

Tony Towner

Well-known member
Feb 18, 2010
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A poll to see of the E&S's current final 5 who would be the most popular / least unpopular choice. I'm not offering none of the above as I'm taking that as a given
Great job TT. :icon_lol:

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A poll to see of the E&S's current final 5 who would be the most popular / least unpopular choice. I'm not offering none of the above as I'm taking that as a given

If any of those mentioned are even interviewed its time up for Kevin Thelwell as well. Time wasters.
Lambert. Never was the phrase 'best of a bad bunch' more apt.
Paul Lambert is a tactically inept moron who wasted millions at Villa and has all the charisma of a lukewarm cow pat but he's better than the others by default.
I can't bring myself to click on any of those names to be honest.
I would sooner vote for Donald Fuckin Trump than any of that lot.
I can't actually even contemplate the idea of any of those being even considered.
Refuse to vote on the basis that I want no implication that I was in favour of any of them!

Not surprising that on the original E&S poll 'None of the above' was winning by a country mile
As I never ever win a bet on Wolves, I may put £5 on them all and then you can all thank me later.
Refuse to vote on the basis that I want no implication that I was in favour of any of them!

Not surprising that on the original E&S poll 'None of the above' was winning by a country mile
This 'None of the above' bloke sounds promising. I'd at least interview him.
Not often I take much, if any, notice of an E&S poll, but the sizeable vote for None of the Above should be an eye-opener for both the E&S and possibly those in charge of recruitment as well.
From that E&S report there is certainly a lot of guesswork and a few "we understands" so they know about as much as I do.

Usual tactic of throwing names all over the shop and if one sticks it becomes "as exclusively revealed by the E&S". I can throw out some guesswork as well - Thelwell has been told to find English Managers and put them forward to Jeff and Mendes has been asked to put forward the foreign ones. That is about as likely what the E&S are telling us. Wolves are revealing nothing and have made no announcement about what type of manager they want.
What a depressing list.
Pearson would be a disaster. Wolves fans like to have their arse kissed by the manager, look at the hatred some in the South Bank had for McCarthy because he refused to do just that. Pearson is a straight up weirdo who treats fans and Journalists with contempt. His creepy, soft spoken hardman act would set the South Bank against him from day one.