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Where will we finish 2016-17

Where will the New Look Wolves finish at the end of the 2016-17 season?

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Its about time to start thinking about this again ladies and gents! Now we know who our manager , owner and Chairman are for the forseeable we need to start some serious shopping. And I think we will.

Zenga will either be genius or awful. I hope the former. I cant see him bimbling along. We could however be a bit like Watford of 2 years ago and go through a few head coaches in quick time. Who knows. I will strap myself in and try and enjoy the ride. Expect the unexpected seems to be a good stand point so far with Fosun.

I am going top ten with a hope for the play offs. It will depend how strong the squad remains and how quickly new players and coaches gel but doesnt it always. I cant see us hitting the ground running or getting it right so quickly to do a Leicester and so I think auto may be too soon.

What do you think? Dont say its too early to say!. It may be but thats the idea of a prediction poll isnt it!
Well, one of the bookies - Bet365 I think - is offering 2/1 against Zenga seeing out the season. Irrespective of managerial appointments I think we'll chuck enough money at it to do better than last season, but play-offs? I don't think so: there's a huge rebuilding job that needs doing and I think doing it in one season will be too much. 9th or 10th.
Impossible to even guess at this stage. This squad with Jackett in charge, then bottom 6 but staying up. A new squad with Zenga I have no idea.
I have no idea any more as to what is likely to happen

Went to bed at a reasonable time last night & out this morning - come back & we have sacked the manager & appointed a new one (with pages of TWF to catch up on)

Got last years prediction totally wrong so will go with it again - Playoffs!!
Without knowing Zenga's style of play this is just a blind guess but I've always been optimistic - Top 6
I'm going to say 5th or 4th I think the early part of the season will be tough as we adjust to new tactics and players. Top 8 by Christmas then a strong finish to the season.

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Manager I know nothing about, a mediocre squad that is being replaced by players I know nothing about. I'd say we will finish somewhere between 1st -24th - Willing to reevaluate that prediction in September,
Top 6 for me. Will Zenga prove as stubborn as KJ - I doubt anybody would be that dense in persisting with something that simply doesn't work
With FOSUNs backing we should win the league, however I'm not inspired by the new manager (potentially KJ would have been a better choice good Ben his track record in his first two seasons).

However, I still think we will achieve the playoffs as if we aren't up there with a third of the season gone I think we may see a new (championship experienced?) manager brought in.
It is hard to say, until we know who the other new signings are going to be. However, at the moment I have gone for top 10.
A bit early to tell ,but with ambitions i would say top 6..
Impossible to say until the window closes.
Gone for the playoffs with the caveat that if we're in the top 6 come january the support from Fosun (money) and the support from the stands could propell us into the the top 2.
I voted top ten, but if there had been a "No Idea" button i would have pressed that.
Very much a case of how long is a piece of string, I've gone for top 10 because there's simply to much to sort out with the season already here. Given time for things to settle down I can see results improving.
I'm voting bottom half. Until there are some worthwhile additions to the squad , that's where we will finish. I hope the new manager will make those additions and we storm the league. We need to spend a fortune to do that.
Depending on how many players we bring in how long does it take for a team to gel? Who will have the ultimate say on who we bring in? Will the manager have to develop a playing style around said players? Will the existing squad play for a place or give up and wait for the axe to fall? I`m a glass half empty man at the moment, mid table mediocrity.