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Winter Improvement Thread (aka Winter Squad Weakening Thread and TWF Suicide Watch)

It does, they probably need a quick boost of cash.
And we shopped at Posh and brought back Tommy fucking Rowe.
This thread makes for miserable reading, it's basically just a list of players we aren't going to sign
QPR knew Austin was going. They sold him: a few days later they brought in a replacement
We knew Sako was going. He went. We tried 8 different players before finding a replacement
We knew Afobe was going - or wanted to go. He went. And our reaction to finding a replacement appears to be, "Help! What the fuck?! He's gone..."
Is there anyone on this forum who doesn't think Thelwell has been vastly over-promoted?
Is there anyone on this forum who doesn't think Thelwell has been vastly over-promoted?

Who knows.

He may identified a ton of players and either KJ said no or the the Board rejected the fee/wages needed to get them or of course he can just be putting forward utter shite (and if we agreed on Holt, who the fuck else has been put forward)
Yes but if it is wages/fee then that is Thelwell's fault (and possibly whoever he reports to) in that he should know the budget he's working with.
Holt, Graham, Sagbo and Leon fucking Clarke, all abolute bobbins, I would be removing whoever is sanctioning these deals as they couldn't buy a striker in a lighter shop.
QPR knew Austin was going. They sold him: a few days later they brought in a replacement
We knew Sako was going. He went. We tried 8 different players before finding a replacement
We knew Afobe was going - or wanted to go. He went. And our reaction to finding a replacement appears to be, "Help! What the fuck?! He's gone..."
Is there anyone on this forum who doesn't think Thelwell has been vastly over-promoted?


I just think its a little too simplistic to put these failings at the door of Thelwell though.

Thelwell or his team identified Zyro correct? but it wasn't acted on until we could get him at a lower price, which suggests it was a finance decision and thus Moxey?

Moxey said we would invest in replacing Sako but we didn't, is this Thelwell and his team failing? or Moxey reneging?

Jackett is the wildcard in all this... if its a democratic process (perhaps Johnny will have an insight?) he'll be presented the options for signings and he'll have final say, if that's the case, did Kenny rule out signings on the wing because they were too short, lacking power, or anything else he's banged on about this season?

Thelwell is part of a bigger system of failures. I've never been a frothing at the mouth Moxey hater but I do think his time here is up. We need a takeover and a clean sweep of everybody IMO.
Yes but if it is wages/fee then that is Thelwell's fault (and possibly whoever he reports to) in that he should know the budget he's working with.

Not fully his fault. All he is there to do is put the player to the manager (if its a 1st teamer) and the board after scouting. The player may be earning £5k at his current club but if his demands are a lot higher than expected then. Also a club may ask for a lot more than anticipated.
QPR knew Austin was going. They sold him: a few days later they brought in a replacement
We knew Sako was going. He went. We tried 8 different players before finding a replacement
We knew Afobe was going - or wanted to go. He went. And our reaction to finding a replacement appears to be, "Help! What the $#@!?! He's gone..."
Is there anyone on this forum who doesn't think Thelwell has been vastly over-promoted?

Who knows who is directly at fault and maybe its a combination of all of them.

What QPR's selling of Austin and replacing him in 48 hours makes the people in charge at our club look like a bunch of total amateurs.

Not to replace Sako with a competent LW knowing he was going to leave 12 months before he did and not replacing Afobe after knowing he was desperate to leave is simply NEGLIGANT


I just think its a little too simplistic to put these failings at the door of Thelwell though.

Thelwell or his team identified Zyro correct? but it wasn't acted on until we could get him at a lower price, which suggests it was a finance decision and thus Moxey?

Moxey said we would invest in replacing Sako but we didn't, is this Thelwell and his team failing? or Moxey reneging?

Jackett is the wildcard in all this... if its a democratic process he'll be presented the options for signings and he'll have final say, if that's the case, did Kenny rule out signings on the wing because they were too short, lacking power, or anything else he's banged on about this season?

Thelwell is part of a bigger system of failures. I've never been a frothing at the mouth Moxey hater but I do think his time here is up. We need a takeover and a clean sweep of everybody IMO.

In the summer Jackett said they didn't sign Zyro because he was predominantly a right winger, so didn't fit the bill as a Sako replacement, yet he's played centrally twice so far.

All seems a bit of a mess, think it's a system failure as much as any one individual in particular, people either not knowing who's responsible for what or just aren't on the same page.
In the summer Jackett said they didn't sign Zyro because he was predominantly a right winger, so didn't fit the bill as a Sako replacement, yet he's played centrally twice so far.


Just the usual mixed messages from the 3 at the top of it all though. When we did sign him the cost of signing him in the summer was used as the reason for leaving it then.

For a set up that is meant to have 1 way, we have 3 people (Thelwell, KJ & Moxey) who seemingly don't talk to each other before opening their mouths in front of the press or they all have awful memories and can't remember what they agreed at the time. We seem to be reluctant at times to say "we refused to spend the money" because of the reaction. Easy to say it now, as we have no proper owner situation.
No insight from me here Lincs, I've no idea how this system is working anymore. Generally scouts report to the manager who take it to his board and they make a decision from there.

The DoF system tends to take scouting out of the hands of the manager (a la Spurs) but acts on what the manager wants (big centre forward/ fast defender etc) and the DoF does all the buying and it's their cock on the block for the recruitment if it goes wrong, see Commoli, Damian.

I have no idea what this system is as we seem to have a chief scout whom Jackett knows, a DoF who does or doesn't sanction players but only does buy first team players if Jackett has seen them and Moxey says we can afford them. It's a mess.

I personally wouldn't let Jackett by any players as I've seen the mess at Millwall and Swansea he made of it. He gets the best out of good players he has no hand in buying (Sako, Iorfa, Hause and even Edwards) but the ones he buys he doesn't play or aren't good enough. And if he hasn't bought these players then why isn't he playing them and why aren't they good enough, is it an ego thing whereby he didn't sign them or sanction it so he won't buy them? I would hope not and of all the things you can say about Jackett he is professional so I don't think it's this, but I am guessing.
Not fully his fault. All he is there to do is put the player to the manager (if its a 1st teamer) and the board after scouting. The player may be earning £5k at his current club but if his demands are a lot higher than expected then. Also a club may ask for a lot more than anticipated.

If that is his role (and I'm not saying it is or isn't) then I would hope all of that information including possible transfer fee and wages were also known by the time Thelwell got to the manager let alone the board.
If that is his role (and I'm not saying it is or isn't) then I would hope all of that information including possible transfer fee and wages were also known by the time Thelwell got to the manager let alone the board.

Would he know all that though without "tapping up" on the wages. On the fee, wouldn't the club have to make an official approach to see if the player is available and if so, how much. My guess on Thelwell's role will be to include a estimate on the value (or even what he thinks he is worth in the current market).

Whatever it is, there isn't just 1 person responsible for our current poor record in the Transfer Market and you have to hope that the new owners sweep away all of them and starts again.
In the summer Jackett said they didn't sign Zyro because he was predominantly a right winger, so didn't fit the bill as a Sako replacement, yet he's played centrally twice so far.

I wouldn't be surprised if that was a cover-up because we just didn't want to pay £2m. It doesn't make sense that we scouted Zyro so rigorously (Jackett watched him personally after Thelwell sounded him out) only for him to be dismissed out of hand.
We need some proper communication from the club now. It has patently long gone past the point of quite simply not being good enough. QPR are a great example above of doing what Thelwell and KJ have been talking us up so well in. Either the targets arent there, or the money isnt - or both, either way we need something to give.