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From the BBC Live Page

The British Armed Forces will turn three major conference venues into temporary NHS hospitals, according to an internal document seen by the BBC. It shows:

Phase 1 is the Nightingale Hospital at the Excel Centre in London’s Docklands. The document states it will have capacity of between 4,000 and 5,000 beds and will open in the last week of March
Phase 2 is a temporary hospital for England and Wales at the NEC centre in Birmingham. The document says it will have capacity for 5,000 beds and will open in mid-April
Phase 3 is the Convention Complex - formally GMEX - in Manchester. The document states it will have 1,000 beds and open in mid-April
Scotland is not mentioned in the document, but the Army there has already confirmed to the BBC that the Royal Engineers have visited the SECC in Glasgow as a possible site for a temporary hospital.
America has more cases than anywhere else now, it’s all about social isolation not how big your house is or where it is or it’s distance from another house.
Internal air traffic within America is huge and would make it impossible to contain.
If a country the size of America decides to have a blasé attitude to this it puts the rest of the world at risk of a second wave of infection.

I really didn't want to sound blasé, though there are a lot of people here who believe (via Faux News etc) that it is mostly hype.

The reasons why we may not be hit so hard were told me yesterday by a medical professional. I thought the warmer weather argument had been debunked but apparently current thinking is that we don't know yet.
Population density seems common sense, plus nobody walks anywhere in Texas. Inside stores or the workplace is where we come into contact with other people and more and more people are staying 6-10 feet from each other and making fewer shopping trips.
Air traffic is down at least 75%. New Orleans had mardi gras and is now hit hard - but other american cities have long ago cancelled events that would bring in tourists.
SA has 5 deaths so far, most of the outlying counties have single figure cases and no deaths. It will reach those towns, but more slowly.
I really didn't want to sound blasé, though there are a lot of people here who believe (via Faux News etc) that it is mostly hype.

The reasons why we may not be hit so hard were told me yesterday by a medical professional. I thought the warmer weather argument had been debunked but apparently current thinking is that we don't know yet.
Population density seems common sense, plus nobody walks anywhere in Texas. Inside stores or the workplace is where we come into contact with other people and more and more people are staying 6-10 feet from each other and making fewer shopping trips.
Air traffic is down at least 75%. New Orleans had mardi gras and is now hit hard - but other american cities have long ago cancelled events that would bring in tourists.
SA has 5 deaths so far, most of the outlying counties have single figure cases and no deaths. It will reach those towns, but more slowly.

It is yet to be proven and almost impossible to be proven that mortality is worse than Influenza.
I really didn't want to sound blasé, though there are a lot of people here who believe (via Faux News etc) that it is mostly hype.

The reasons why we may not be hit so hard were told me yesterday by a medical professional. I thought the warmer weather argument had been debunked but apparently current thinking is that we don't know yet.
Population density seems common sense, plus nobody walks anywhere in Texas. Inside stores or the workplace is where we come into contact with other people and more and more people are staying 6-10 feet from each other and making fewer shopping trips.
Air traffic is down at least 75%. New Orleans had mardi gras and is now hit hard - but other american cities have long ago cancelled events that would bring in tourists.
SA has 5 deaths so far, most of the outlying counties have single figure cases and no deaths. It will reach those towns, but more slowly.

It is yet to be proven and almost impossible to be proven that mortality is worse than Influenza.
Every model so far suggests it is at least 10 times worse, but carry on, you know best.
Lawmakers in the US House of Representatives are racing back to Washington DC to vote on the massive economic coronavirus bailout which at nearly $2bn (£1.6bn) is the largest economic relief bill in US history.

Members of Congress were planning to remain at home for a “voice vote” until one Libertarian Kentucky congressman hinted that he would demand a quorum of half the chamber be present - which rules say he is allowed to do.

Both Republican and Democratic leaders have called for members of Congress to return to DC, to ensure that at least 216 members are present for the vote on Friday to make sure that the bill’s passage is not delayed.

Asked on Friday whether a “voice vote” would be held, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told reporters: “We’ll see.”

Lawmakers tweeted through the night on Thursday about their long drives to DC or their flights through deserted airports.

Several lawmakers have already been infected with coronavirus.

President Trump said he would sign the bill into law as soon as it is passed by the House, which is expected in a few hours time.

The bit in bold is frankly ridiculous. First against the wall (well, second after Trump) when the revolution comes.
Every model so far suggests it is at least 10 times worse, but carry on, you know best.

Just basing my assumption on the fact that not everybody has been tested whether they carry or have carried. There is an assimilation and I make a fair point ...
You like to use lots of syllables to say not a lot...

Anyway, now the Chief Medical officer is into self-isolation. It's beginning to look quite possible that the entire Cobra committee could get this and then the ability to effectively govern is at risk of going down the shitter.
I care more that Till Lindemann has got it
I think the only Kentucky Libertarian Congressman is Rand Paul who already has it
Lawmakers in the US House of Representatives are racing back to Washington DC to vote on the massive economic coronavirus bailout which at nearly $2bn (£1.6bn) is the largest economic relief bill in US history.

Members of Congress were planning to remain at home for a “voice vote” until one Libertarian Kentucky congressman hinted that he would demand a quorum of half the chamber be present - which rules say he is allowed to do.

Both Republican and Democratic leaders have called for members of Congress to return to DC, to ensure that at least 216 members are present for the vote on Friday to make sure that the bill’s passage is not delayed.

Asked on Friday whether a “voice vote” would be held, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told reporters: “We’ll see.”

Lawmakers tweeted through the night on Thursday about their long drives to DC or their flights through deserted airports.

Several lawmakers have already been infected with coronavirus.

President Trump said he would sign the bill into law as soon as it is passed by the House, which is expected in a few hours time.

The bit in bold is frankly ridiculous. First against the wall (well, second after Trump) when the revolution comes.

The revolution happened already.
Just basing my assumption on the fact that not everybody has been tested whether they carry or have carried. There is an assimilation and I make a fair point ...

Kind of irrelevant though, this will kill way more people than 'regular' flu will / would have
I think the only Kentucky Libertarian Congressman is Rand Paul who already has it

Thomas Massie

"During his seven years in Congress, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) has established a reputation as a uniquely irascible congressional gadfly — one who is frequently at odds with his own party’s leadership, rarely votes for major bills negotiated with Democrats, and, to make an ideological point, is willing to use the House rule book to inconvenience his colleagues."

He's a gadfly don't you know.
Thomas Massie

"During his seven years in Congress, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) has established a reputation as a uniquely irascible congressional gadfly — one who is frequently at odds with his own party’s leadership, rarely votes for major bills negotiated with Democrats, and, to make an ideological point, is willing to use the House rule book to inconvenience his colleagues."

He's a gadfly don't you know.

cheers :)