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Ex-Wolf Watch

Bit of revisionism/recency bias here isn't there? Up until the last 10 games or so (from when Dawson got injured) Kilman had been having a pretty good season.

Far too much focus has been put of him being captain, which isn't his fault.
Kilman has been fine this season. He was decent enough under Lop was as well (helped having Dawson and Toti either side of him for sure in the way we set up)
Kilman has been fine this season. He was decent enough under Lop was as well (helped having Dawson and Toti either side of him for sure in the way we set up)
30m fine tho?
30m fine tho?
No - but as it’s crazy we had a bid like that for him (and worse we rejected it) that’s not ever really been my yard stick for him.

He’s a decent enough bottom half premier league defender. We’ve got great value from the fee we actually paid for him, even more reason I scratch my head that we turned down Napoli’s bids for him.
He’s only ever as good as the CB next to him IMO. Double-edged sword in a way.

If Yerson is as good as I think he is, I can imagine (though wouldn’t bet on) Kilman waking up a bit. He’s no captain, though.
Unless we play a very low block with lots of help in front of him I don't think he can play in a pair with anyone. Too slow on the turn, too easily bullied physically and too reactive.

Being locked into 3 CHs forever because we've hitched our wagon to him is a crap situation. A needless one too.
Suppose I'm hanging onto the fact that his best form by far was with Coady next to him.
Also the reason Mosquera's first year here was a complete write off was because Lage rushed him back for a League Cup game before he was ready and he snapped 10 minutes in, with the same injury but far worse.

We'll never know whether it mattered that he forced Neto back on the pitch TWICE at West Ham when he was clearly injured but it can't have helped.

The man is a prick.
I'm probably missing some out here but some of his brilliant man-management decisions:

- Fell out with Boly, kept intimating there was something going on behind the scenes, ignored him completely for months, then got rid of him for next to no money

- Fell out with Jonny who up to then had been Mr Model Pro

- Decided to move on from Coady which is fine, but didn't have the guts to tell him what was going on, didn't talk to him in pre-season and left him playing with kids and cast-offs, and left someone else to tell him we'd accepted a bid from a Turkish team

- Made Saiss play on with what was almost certainly concussion vs Leeds. Made Neto come back on twice vs West Ham when his ankle was done. Made Kalajdzic play on with an ACL injury. The above Mosquera chain of events

- No-one here likes Fabio but more than once in 2021/22 he would have a reasonable game (to the point of being our best player, low bar that it was) and then he'd get dropped and ignored

- Brought Cundle in, did well away at Spurs, then totally ignored him again for weeks, not even getting token minutes off the bench

- Randomly dropping Ait-Nouri at various points for bloody Marçal, for no reason

- Insisted all week we definitely wouldn't play Neves at CH vs West Ham then did it anyway

- The "chronic fatigue" nonsense with Raul vs Southampton, just say he's injured you twat

- Throwing Hoever under the bus after the Palace game, he was crap but you just do not do that

- Making one sub vs Fulham at home until 10 minutes from time, it was nearly 40 degrees out there

That's without even getting into his football (worse than Hoddle), his general communication (babbling incoherently and making no sense), our record when conceding first which had to be the worst in the entire country while he was here, signing off on Guedes who is one of our worst ever signings or complete failure to ever accept any responsibility for anything.

I'm not having any revisionism about Bruno Lage. A complete joke manager and a charmless berk. I'd rather re-employ Paul Lambert or Dave Jones than him.
We'll never know whether it mattered that he forced Neto back on the pitch TWICE at West Ham when he was clearly injured but it can't have helped.
Will defend him a little on medical issues.
He goes off the guidance from the medical team and the player.

Remember on the Sasa one, he was told he was fine, then take him off just to be safe. End of the game he had no clue how serious it was.

Raul on the same day was odd and I don't think he was given the details of what was wrong so just waffled bollocks instead of saying nothing or saying will have an update later
I think giving Lage veto power on the Guedes deal is a but unrealistic. Not his call and I don't think a coach in his position could afford to say no to any incoming player, let alone say no to another Mendes client.

He wasn't good but he wasn't the biggest issue or the reason our transfer windows sucked, when did we last have a decent summer transfer window? It wasn't '21 onwards.
Thing is Nuno did say no, repeatedly.

Of course it's a mark of the club's awful decision making that we installed a head coach who had nothing like the experience or standing required to get the role on merit, so he'd basically do as he was told. But you must know. Don't give me a player who is of very poor quality, unsuited to English football and simply doesn't want to be here. Show a bit of self-respect and backbone. He has to take some of the blame for it, if only a small portion.
I'm going off wiki but even '19 summer was only because "good" it was Jimenez confirmed and Neto signing. Dendocker and Podence are pass marks. Cutrone, Jordao, Vallejo whiffs.

2020 summer was the F**** window but it had 3 of our current first XI players (Toti, Semedo, RAN) which is kinda wild.

And this is just the way someone has formatted it, it's mostly the norm having loads of players in the academy, but who on earth is the best player *now* of any of that Academy/U23 lot?

image (3).png

Campana maybe? Hobbs came in as chief scout after this season.
Hubner has had a good last 12 months, playing international football and an intriguing loan to Japan.

Lonwijk has had his moments but probably needs to move on for good now.

Tsun Dai bloody Tsun Dai seems to get regular games for China, not that they're any good but he does play at the top level there.

Dadashov and Shabani genuinely got very unlucky with injuries.