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Tetchy Rish! at it again

The not coming to a debate near you bollocks

Well he is, he is doing the 2 required.

Rishi decided he wanted 6 of them. Has been told that due to the Euro's and shit, they wouldn't be able to fit in 6 and SKS said he wouldn't do 6 anyway as whats the fucking point in that - BBC and ITV will have the debates and he will be on them
Leadsom, Gove and Redwood not standing. Shame, I'd have loved to see any of them drummed out unceremoniously.
Rishi's Campaign Diary Day 3

Taking a break today to meet with aides to discuss what to do going forward as the first 2 days have been a clusterfuck. 3 days in and needs a new strategy.
Absolutely bizarre. Who would think it would be a vote winner to force youngsters to do national service?
The jokes about a Labour mole being in their camp seems to be more realistic with every passing day.
We have stripped the army of funding like we have everything else but in this case we want your teenagers to fill in the gaps. Delaying careers and higher education while doing so. And they might get shot a bit if we decide a good old conflict is the way to boost our ratings in the next parliament.

Sure fire vote winner.

If this was boxing the referee would be stepping in. Horse race the green screens and the vet would be on the way
Obviously caught a few episodes of bad lads army on his day off today.

Starmer says I'll give em the vote, Rishi says I'll send you to boot camp.
Appeals to their core vote, they'll think its a brilliant idea, even though anyone under the age of 80 never did it
no sir Humphrey to tell him it is lunacy as the last three number 10 incumbents have fired all those types