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The Film Thread

Thought I would dig this back up...

Watched 'Hall Pass' yesterday... decent comedy to be fair.
I saw Hangover 2 at the weekend.

Every bit as good as the first one in my opinion, just as many laughs.
Watched 'Hall Pass' yesterday... decent comedy to be fair.

Sounds familiar but i cant think what it is for the life of me.

I saw Hangover 2 at the weekend.

Every bit as good as the first one in my opinion, just as many laughs.

Just got back from seeing it, agree entirely. Now i have to pack for my holiday, balls.
Just got back from seeing it, agree entirely. Now i have to pack for my holiday, balls.

I have heard some people complaining about it, I really don't see why, I suppose the storyline is basically the same. But I don't go to watch films such as the Hangover 2 for its gripping story, its about the laughs, of which there are plenty.
Went to see Attack the Block on Tuesday. First time in the cinema for ages.

Directed and written by Joe from Adam&Joe. Nice small scale British comedy horror film with some really funny bits. Think Shaun of the Dead, but not quite as good.
I have heard some people complaining about it, I really don't see why, I suppose the storyline is basically the same. But I don't go to watch films such as the Hangover 2 for its gripping story, its about the laughs, of which there are plenty.

Exactly, you know the basics straight away, its a stag do, someone gets lost, wedding in disarray, lost person found and all is good again. Theres going to be plenty of stupid things to laugh at along the way so i dont see the problem, if they make a third one i'll go and watch that too.
Saw the new X Men film last night. Better than the first film and the two leads are excellent but there are a few gaping plot holes and everything happens too fast.

The real highlight is Mad Men's January Jones wandering around like this for the entire film:-

Saw the new X Men film last night. Better than the first film and the two leads are excellent but there are a few gaping plot holes and everything happens too fast.

The real highlight is Mad Men's January Jones wandering around like this for the entire film:-

I wasn't struck on the X-Men films, I'm a massive Batman fan so I've been spoiled with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I will give this one a go though, although I preferred Wolverine Origins to the other X-Movies.
I wasn't struck on the X-Men films, I'm a massive Batman fan so I've been spoiled with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I will give this one a go though, although I preferred Wolverine Origins to the other X-Movies.

I thought Wolverine origins fucked every storyline up? As in Deadpool dying yet there's another movie coming up about him and all the flashbacks are different and he suddenly has bone claws while they first stated his claws were manufactured.
He did originally have bone claws didn't he? Or am I reading your post wrong!?
The Wolverine Origins storyline put out by Marvel introduced the bone claws if I'm not mistaken, Marvel have always been masters of re-writing their continuity (see the uproar over the Spider-Man 'Brand New Day' fiasco!). I don't read Marvel, only DC, but I know a fair few people who do and it was hard not to read anything abut Wolverine as he became flavour of the year along with Deadpool. The Wolverine movie didn't exactly do itself any favours with the fanboys when it came to sticking to continuity either, Deadpool is feck all like that in the comics, but I don't really care about continuity in the movies as long as they're entertaining.

Talking about Batman though, The Dark Knight Rises is one I'm actually getting as excited as a little kid about, can't wait for that to come out next year.
Talking about Batman though, The Dark Knight Rises is one I'm actually getting as excited as a little kid about, can't wait for that to come out next year.

I'm slightly worried about it tbh. I'm not sure Bane will translate that well to Nolan's 'realistic' Batman and there's been a lot of talk about Lazarus Pits on the web which just sound a bit rubbish IMO.
I'm slightly worried about it tbh. I'm not sure Bane will translate that well to Nolan's 'realistic' Batman and there's been a lot of talk about Lazarus Pits on the web which just sound a bit rubbish IMO.

I'll dig up the photo of Tom Hardy in the Bane role that's been leaked, to me he looks like a cross between Charles Bronson and Hannibal Lecter. I think it'll go down really well and will be a world apart from the mess George Clooney starred in. I trust Nolan as much as I do my own mother.

And if there are Lazarus Pits involved it can only mean the return of Ra's Al Ghul. That wouldn't bother me to be honest, although I think that was more speculation than anything as a an aerial shot of a big green pit was posted somewhere and may have just been interpreted as a Lazarus Pit.

It's all good anyway, it got me to sell my Vengeance of Bane for £125.
Just seen The Kings Speech - brilliant. Loved it. Rush and Firth trying to out-act each other throughout was great!!

Really enjoyed it.
I enjoyed it but I didn't think it was brilliant. More of an actors film I think.
Inbetweeners movie out on Wednesday. I know some hate it and some, like me, love it. I'm going on Wednesday courtesy of Orange and their 2 for 1. Anyone else looking forward to it?
Inbetweeners movie out on Wednesday. I know some hate it and some, like me, love it. I'm going on Wednesday courtesy of Orange and their 2 for 1. Anyone else looking forward to it?

I'd rather ask Stevie Wonder to shave my testicles with a ridiculously sharp, oversized axe.
I went to see the last harry potter film this week. Have to say it was a very good film. I saw it at imax in 3d, & have to say that I am quite quickly coming round to Mark Kermodes way of thinking. The 3d was pretty pointless. It added nothing to the experience. The film would have been great in 2d.

I went to see Mark Kermode doing a spoken word tour of his "It's Only A Movie" book, & he was great - very entertaining, and I met him afterwards and have to say he is an exceptional gentleman.