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The Football News Thread 2020/21

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It wasn't an unreasonable bit of punditry either, it's not as if bielsa sides never blow up.

It was pretty poor form from an official account, and I doubt very much they'd have done it to Keane, Shearer, Redknapp et al.

Yeah, she's basically only got the job because she's a woman - but then most of the other pundits have only got the job because they're ex-pros, despite mostly being thick as shit, knowing fuck all about football or being completely unable to communicate what they *do* know. She's far from the worst, but probably does have to work harder than the blokes to be taken seriously or even heard.
Ok I take it you all understand how Twitter works then? Secondly just look at some of the sexist abuse she has received on the back of a that tweet. If a female member of your family was subjected to the same abuse on the back of a tweet from a club I take it you’d be ok with that?

A clubs Twitter handles primarily role is an information service to its followers.
Leeds put out this tweet with the full knowledge of what was going to come from people with a caveman view of the world it’s just completely irresponsible.
Are you saying the only way they could have shown their grievances to Carney was by a public tweet outing her. How about a private message, email, letter or phone call? Far more professional way of dealing with things.

The attitude of pundits give an opinion so therefore should be prepared for the backlash regardless of how comes again is cowardly.
Basically saying I can abuse you then run of into thin air with no consequences just because your opinion doesn’t fit in with mine.

Also learn something about the mental effect this would have, an attitude of your a pundit so deal with abuse regardless is frankly archaic.
Carney by all accounts is a very hard working pundit and well researched by those who work with her.
You’re basically saying pundits can say what they want without any criticism.

That is wrong, and yes if you say something you should be able to defend it. She made an accusation in public and Leeds defended it on a public platform as that is what they had available to them at the time.

I’m sure there were plenty of Leeds fans who were upset about her comments but because they don’t have the followers that’s ok? That’s some fucked up thinking right there. Is Ben White equally as culpable for the abuse she got as he retweeted with a laughing emoji?

Again, this should have nothing to do with her sex or gender but that is always going to happen with the world we live in, it shouldn’t but it does.
It wasn't an unreasonable bit of punditry either, it's not as if bielsa sides never blow up.

It was pretty poor form from an official account, and I doubt very much they'd have done it to Keane, Shearer, Redknapp et al.

Yeah, she's basically only got the job because she's a woman - but then most of the other pundits have only got the job because they're ex-pros, despite mostly being thick as shit, knowing fuck all about football or being completely unable to communicate what they *do* know. She's far from the worst, but probably does have to work harder than the blokes to be taken seriously or even heard.

Of course it was unreasonable, it was a lazy broad brush statement.

Many pundits make stupid statements on the fixture pileup/ Euro Trips every season and they get pilloried for it on social media and rightly so.

I agree with your statement on pundits getting the jobs because they’re ex-pros, precisely to give insight on what it was like to be a pro in the men’s game. Cairney can’t give that, that’s not her fault so she has to give insightful opinion on a different angle but she’s incapable of that.

The media insist on women trying to give the same type of opinion as ex-players which they clearly can’t, just the same as you or I can’t because they’ve never had that experience. It’s a mistake on the media company’s part.
You’re basically saying pundits can say what they want without any criticism.

That is wrong, and yes if you say something you should be able to defend it. She made an accusation in public and Leeds defended it on a public platform as that is what they had available to them at the time.

I’m sure there were plenty of Leeds fans who were upset about her comments but because they don’t have the followers that’s ok? That’s some fucked up thinking right there. Is Ben White equally as culpable for the abuse she got as he retweeted with a laughing emoji?

Again, this should have nothing to do with her sex or gender but that is always going to happen with the world we live in, it shouldn’t but it does.
Where did I say they shouldn’t be criticised? As long as it’s done properly and in a non abusive way.
I’ll ask again is right that club outs an individual in a mocking way knowing full well that out of their 660k followers a lot of them will resort to vile abuse?
You said in your previous comment that women shouldn’t give punditry on the men’s game do you’ve just made it blatantly about sex.
You said in your previous comment that women shouldn’t give punditry on the men’s game do you’ve just made it blatantly about sex.

Nope, I haven’t said that at all. I’ve said that women need to give a different style of opinion, which I stand by. It’s slightly different but Michelle Owen and Bianca Westwood are excellent match reporters and I would trust their option over Cairney, Scott team al everyday.

Nothing to do with sex, just a different way of looking at things, there will be good female coaches and journalists that could also give different opinions and they should be used too. I would be phasing out the ex-pro as a pundit as they’re just not very good in the main.

As for your Leeds comment, yes Leeds are perfectly entitled to post anyway they like as long as it doesn’t incite directly, and it didn’t, neither did Ben White.
The attitude of pundits give an opinion so therefore should be prepared for the backlash regardless of how comes again is cowardly.
Basically saying I can abuse you then run of into thin air with no consequences just because your opinion doesn’t fit in with mine.
I'm not endorsing abuse of public figures, but these are people who are paid to give their opinion. A response from people who agree or disagree is to be expected in some form, whether it be people who disagree on social media, players (Ben White and Klich have posted on social media about it), or the clubs. I don't think Leeds have done anything abusive, they responded to her opinion.

It's not like Leeds have specifically targeted a female pundit and let everything else slide, they poked fun at Agbonlahor for saying things about them also.
Nope, I haven’t said that at all. I’ve said that women need to give a different style of opinion, which I stand by. It’s slightly different but Michelle Owen and Bianca Westwood are excellent match reporters and I would trust their option over Cairney, Scott team al everyday.

Nothing to do with sex, just a different way of looking at things, there will be good female coaches and journalists that could also give different opinions and they should be used too. I would be phasing out the ex-pro as a pundit as they’re just not very good in the main.

As for your Leeds comment, yes Leeds are perfectly entitled to post anyway they like as long as it doesn’t incite directly, and it didn’t, neither did Ben White.

That’s borderline delusional I’m afraid especially when we all know how people behave on social media.
Whilst they can hide behind the we did nothing in the tweet they can’t hide behind the fact they knew what was going to come and the fact they knew it would lead to sexist abuse.
No doubt they’ll have to release a statement condemning the sexist abuse that Carney has received on their Twitter feed.
Explain why the grievances couldn’t have been done in a more private matter especially from the official twitter handle.
The clubs already had to get in contact with her and have invited her to the club so it’s obvious they’re concerned with what’s happened.
Where did I say they shouldn’t be criticised? As long as it’s done properly and in a non abusive way.
I’ll ask again is right that club outs an individual in a mocking way knowing full well that out of their 660k followers a lot of them will resort to vile abuse?
You said in your previous comment that women shouldn’t give punditry on the men’s game do you’ve just made it blatantly about sex.
I believe they have called out Merson and Agbonlahor in similar ways in the past. Not doing the same to her would be inconsistent and in itself sexist. It's not Leeds' fault there are sexist fuckwits out there, it's not them who made it about gender.

We are a couple of years into the introduction of female pundits. I'm not a believer in you have to have played the game to comment knowledgeably on it - we can all reel off countless ex pros whose opinions are shite. Female co comms and pundits are fine by me, you don't need to have a cock to understand the game and comment in an informative manner, but they should be judged by the same standards as men. Alex Scott is very good, Sue Smith ok, Carney and Aluko are poor and deserve to be called out as such.
I like Sue Smith a lot but cannot listen to Merson, but that's just me, and anyone who gives any credence to what Gabby Agbonlahor says deserves what they get, the bloke is not exactly on MENSAs waiting list.
I believe they have called out Merson and Agbonlahor in similar ways in the past. Not doing the same to her would be inconsistent and in itself sexist. It's not Leeds' fault there are sexist fuckwits out there, it's not them who made it about gender.

We are a couple of years into the introduction of female pundits. I'm not a believer in you have to have played the game to comment knowledgeably on it - we can all reel off countless ex pros whose opinions are shite. Female co comms and pundits are fine by me, you don't need to have a cock to understand the game and comment in an informative manner, but they should be judged by the same standards as men. Alex Scott is very good, Sue Smith ok, Carney and Aluko are poor and deserve to be called out as such.

So that makes it all ok then because they’ve done it before, no doubt Agbonlahor received some racial abuse and no doubt Merson was mocked for his gambling addiction.

Mocking and outing people on Twitter then sitting back and watching the abusive fireworks set off doesn’t exonerate yourself from responsibility. Then to come out with we don’t condone abuse and don’t blame us is frankly nieve and very cowardly.
Bit like the kid in the school play ground who encourages a fight then when recriminations start they absolve themselves of any involvement
So that makes it all ok then because they’ve done it before, no doubt Agbonlahor received some racial abuse and no doubt Merson was mocked for his gambling addiction.

Mocking and outing people on Twitter then sitting back and watching the abusive fireworks set off doesn’t exonerate yourself from responsibility. Then to come out with we don’t condone abuse and don’t blame us is frankly nieve and very cowardly.
Bit like the kid in the school play ground who encourages a fight then when recriminations start they absolve themselves of any involvement
You are trying to cure the symptom not the disease
Mocking and outing people on Twitter then sitting back and watching the abusive fireworks set off doesn’t exonerate yourself from responsibility. Then to come out with we don’t condone abuse and don’t blame us is frankly nieve and very cowardly.
Bit like the kid in the school play ground who encourages a fight then when recriminations start they absolve themselves of any involvement
Although what you're saying is correct, you are elevating people onto a pedestal without reproach, no one has forced any of the afore mentioned people into making the statements they have, although you are correct, sex, colour and prior indiscretions will come into it unfortunately.
You are trying to cure the symptom not the disease
No just making everyone responsible for their actions, again if Leeds had the grievance why couldn’t it be done in a private matter.
Although what you're saying is correct, you are elevating people onto a pedestal without reproach, no one has forced any of the afore mentioned people into making the statements they have, although you are correct, sex, colour and prior indiscretions will come into it unfortunately.
She’s not beyond reproach and her comments were wrong IMO point is Leeds don’t need to place themselves in that position by being centre of what is a shit storm.
No ones answered me yet why wasn’t their criticism done in a more private, professional way?
She’s not beyond reproach and her comments were wrong IMO point is Leeds don’t need to place themselves in that position by being centre of what is a shit storm.
No ones answered me yet why wasn’t their criticism done in a more private, professional way?
Punishment fitting the crime, in their view ??
Just as I’ve said all this Leeds have had to make a statement condemning the sexist abuse placed on their Twitter handle. Facts simple don’t post it then you’re not at the centre of a shit storm.
Just about every respectable journalist on Twitter has condemned the tweet pretty sure they can’t all be wrong.
Punishment fitting the crime, in their view ??
In the knowledge they know what she’s going to receive? If that’s the case then it’s a appalling attitude. Simple point here is Leeds can avoid all of this shit storm by acting with announce of responsibility.
Having an opinion doesn’t then deserve sexist abuse, yes Leeds didn’t do it but they know full well it would happen.
That’s borderline delusional I’m afraid especially when we all know how people behave on social media.
Whilst they can hide behind the we did nothing in the tweet they can’t hide behind the fact they knew what was going to come and the fact they knew it would lead to sexist abuse.
No doubt they’ll have to release a statement condemning the sexist abuse that Carney has received on their Twitter feed.
Explain why the grievances couldn’t have been done in a more private matter especially from the official twitter handle.
The clubs already had to get in contact with her and have invited her to the club so it’s obvious they’re concerned with what’s happened.
So all female pundits get a free pass?
Just as I’ve said all this Leeds have had to make a statement condemning the sexist abuse placed on their Twitter handle. Facts simple don’t post it then you’re not at the centre of a shit storm.
Just about every respectable journalist on Twitter has condemned the tweet pretty sure they can’t all be wrong.
Who gives a shit what a journalist condemns?

That is the sheer definition of irony.

If Carney didn't want any response you don't make the statement. She did make the statement and got a response, in public on a broadcast with several hundred thousand people watching. What did she expect.

Journalists, pundits and broadcasters should not be given a free pass and if you do it in public then expect a public response.
In the knowledge they know what she’s going to receive? If that’s the case then it’s a appalling attitude. Simple point here is Leeds can avoid all of this shit storm by acting with announce of responsibility.
Having an opinion doesn’t then deserve sexist abuse, yes Leeds didn’t do it but they know full well it would happen.
Are you struggling with the concept of people airing their views getting a response?
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