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World Championship Darts

Hereford Wolf

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2011
Reaction score
Well, here we go again. One of my favourite events of the year.

I know it's obvious but I really think this has to be MVG's year.

Let's hope for some great matches.

(I'm so glad they got rid of Bristow after his disgraceful comments. If they hadn't, then I wouldn't of watched it on principle).
Bristow is hardly a loss. He only did the occasional bit if punditry which was crap anyway.
Corey Cadby the debutant from Australia looking very impressive. Averaged 105 in his preliminary match earlier and currently one set up against Joe Cullen averaging 109!

Winner plays Adrian Lewis. That would be a very good match.
Good match between Smith and King just now, went to sudden death and Smith sneaked it. Merv is one sweaty man these days.
Yeah that was a good battle at the end. Smith really needs to sort his weight out. He's not massive around the gut but his head constantly looks like a balloon that's about to burst.
Shamefully I've not got round to watching any of it yet.
Whitlock getting his arse kicked atm. Had him as a possible. Outside MvG, still think Anderson.
Whitlock has been wank for about three years, totally lost it.
Whitlock had been improving recently again.

I can't take Gilding seriously, what the fuck does he do as he goes up to the oche?
Gilding and his throw really pisses me off. I'm glad he lost 4-0
Great matches tonight.

The MVG match is almost a classic.

Great television.
Can't believe they're both playing with over 106 averages 6 sets in.
Better for MvG to have that kind of game I reckon - Taylor was shite tonight but not put through his paces by a finished Painter. No kind of workout at all. Although Taylor has an exceedingly kind draw.
99% of the crowd booing MvG is something I've not seen before.
Why does Lewis have to be such a prick all the time?
No idea. It makes him play worse when he has a flounce anyway.
That awful Don't Take Me Home chant is absolutely doing my nut in now.