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The Things You Are HAPPY About Thread.

My brothers girlfriend has given birth to my nephew, so I'm happy for my bro and happy to be an uncle.

How old is your brother if I may ask, uncle James?
This is sort of stupid but I have taken perhaps the best picture of my dog I'll ever take - pure happiness in one pic! If I could figure out how to show computer pics on here...
I've now got 12 friends on Facebook #Beckhamesquepopularity
Having got back from a great day out with my dad and brother at Wembley and watching a team I support winning a cup, even if I've got a different accent. Great day and a really good feeling, let's hope I get to see wolves doing the same one day.
Ha, ha, my brother went out with her mate, rather than her. I know her son very well, Steve, and regularly go on nights out with him.
Penkridge was alright, seems a nice village. The pools at Pillaton weren't great, I think they get over-fed. Plus I'm only a casual fisher.

The sweet shop in town had about a month's wages off me. :facepalm:
Had a totally brilliant weekend. Friday was a good start in the excellent company of Kenny and Kenny Jnr - not to mention 3 points.

Leicester on Saturday was an absolute triumph and I found an absolute GEM of a real ale pub that looks horrible from the outside but had a great, friendly atmosphere and 10 different beers on tap. Amazing place.

Wife and kids get back late tonight so I've done loads of housework today so it looks nice for them. Now rewarding myself with a pint of Golden Glow.

Absolute top notch weekend.
The Criterion. We never would have stumbled across it as its at the end of a street and it looks really dodgy from the outside!

But inside, we got chatting to several locals and there was an ace blues guitarist playing a set.

It's a gem of a pub if you like good beer and nice company. With some good music.
Looks alright to me. Just a bit of a crappy area.
The building itself isn't enticing in the slightest!

We went to about 5/6 pubs and that was easily the best. Though they were all good TBF. And had a top curry to end the night, after destroying Paradise By The Dashboard Light when it came on the jukebox in The Hind.
Back home after a cracking week in France and have found my tickets for Barbados have arrived.

Got my belated birthday present off my brother yesterday - a ticket to the Swindon game! It's the seat next to him which is my old ST seat too which is a bonus.
Just found some great entertainment for my daughter....

Put her in her bouncy chair and place in in front of the washing machine on a full load.
She gets all excited when it goes into its spin cycle.

Loves it....