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Ex-players/managers you admire(d) and miss the most


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Just to balance out the hate-fest, some feel good factor in these trying times!

Who have you most loved watching in a Wolves shirt in your lifetime? Who was your pick of Wolves managers? Who maybe wasn't the greatest footballer, but earned your respect for their approach and attitude or a role they played? Who do you miss? (not in a "FFS wish we hadn't've sold him. SOB. Rage." way, just a "He's a top fella, glad to see him doing well in his post-Wolves career"). Will be interesting to see everyone's thoughts and who TWF folks have ended up fond of.
Obvious one. Mick McCarthy.
Mick McCarthy
Alex Rae
Chris Marsden
Bakary Sako
Ludo Pollet
Mick McCarthy
Alex Rae
Steve GOD Bull
Andy Mutch
Paul Cook
Mike Stowell
Matt Murray
Who have you most loved watching in a Wolves shirt in your lifetime?

Bully, Sako, Dicko, Afobe, Keane, Lescott, Richards, Murray, Hennessey, Ebanks-Blake, Matt Jarvis, Michael Kightly.

Who maybe wasn't the greatest footballer, but earned your respect for their approach and attitude or a role they played?

Ludo Pollet, Jody Craddock, Colin Cameron, Jackie McNamara, Richard Stearman, Micky Gray, Gary Breen.
Obvious one Stephen George Bull. I'll never see another goalscorer that comes close to GOD. You enjoyed going to Molineux and you knew Bully would score, he would get your hairs on the back of your head standing. His workrate his passion.

Another for me was Paul Cook, some called him lazy and a pisshead but I have never seen a left foot like his on any other Wolves player. He could pick Bully out with his eyes closed..

Echo Dan's choice in Alex Rae, the bloke was a midfield kingpin, effort, skill, never gave other players a minutes peace and could score goals as well.
Ebanks-Blake. Absolutely adored him whilst he was here.
I'm going to put Paul Birch in as well, and Keith Downing. And the cat Kendall.
Managers other than Mick.

Graham Turner - sorry for the abuse I (and many others) threw in your direction at the end. I was young and naive and you always acted like a complete gentleman.

Brian Little - Who knows what might have been. I wasn't happy you were sacked and for me you had got the club to finally turn the corner from the previous 3 disastrous seasons. Always liked how you conducted yourself in management and I'm glad you had relative success elsewhere.
I loved Dougie Freedman while he was here (of course he attracted the ire of the "his lazy" mob). Lost it for good with McGhee when he dropped him and sold him.
Mick McCarthy
Bakary Sako
Matt Murray
Sylvan Ebanks-Blake
Matthew Jarvis
A number of mine have already been said but I'd add Bruno, Robbie Dennison, Andy King (briefly), Tim Flowers
Mick McCarthy
Matt Murray
Joleon Lescott
Michael Kightly
Sylvan Ebanks-Blake
I go back a bit further than most so

Players loved watching - Knowles, Wagstaffe, Munro, Hibbitt, Bull, Murray, Ebanks Blake, Sako

Gave their all - Bailey, Parkin, Craddock

Managers - McGarry, McCarthy
John Barnwell
John Richards
Kenny Hibbit
Derek Parkin
Paul Daniel
Geoff Palmer
Paul Cook
Robbie Dennison
Managers other than Mick.

Graham Turner - sorry for the abuse I (and many others) threw in your direction at the end. I was young and naive and you always acted like a complete gentleman.

Chanting "Turner must go", is the thing the 43 year old me is most ashamed of in my time as a Wolves fan. I still think the sentiment was right, but he deserved more respect.
Chanting "Turner must go", is the thing the 43 year old me is most ashamed of in my time as a Wolves fan. I still think the sentiment was right, but he deserved more respect.

Likewise. I'll add the abuse I gave to Ally Robertson during the Brighton game on our return to Division 2. I will however stand by all what I shouted from the North Bank when O'Hara got sent off against Huddersfield.
Matt Murray, Joleon Lescott, Jackie Mac, SEB, Alex Rae (the substitute!), Colin Cameron, Mike Stowell (I wasn't very old but I had a top with his name on the back, might have been a bright green strip)
Aside from Mick and Sako as two stand-outs for me in recent times, I can also remember being ridiculously proud of Matt Jarvis and so pleased for him when he got that England cap (even if it was because all the wingers ahead of him were out, but still!).