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Watford Fan in Hospital

All of a bit of an over-reaction. Nothing has been stated or claimed.
All of a bit of an over-reaction. Nothing has been stated or claimed.

Something was stated/claimed though.

Treading on dodgy ground but the comment has gone so a line is drawn in the sand. As for further information comes out from both sides it will become easier to talk about. Penk may well be proven to be right and he can wear a smug cyber grin then.
What a powerful thing the 1st assumption is!
Bloke on his own going to a football match, accompanied by a photo of him in his lounge - white shirt, no tatoos, looks like a decent sort of father type person, who has been savagely set upon by a gang of drunken Wolves fans where he's tripped up and then savagely kicked into a coma.
What a load of bastards those Wolves fans are!
Look at him in that photo...
And right there begins the outpouring of cash...

So let's say other evidence does indeed come to light, and it turns out he wasn't alone, that he was in fact a historical hooligan, with a record of trouble making at other matches and here, was part of a larger group taunting the innocent Wolves fans until he became isolated, a tussle started and he fell and banged his head...

What shall we now do with the £20,000...?
Interesting post here.

It was another member of our party that saw it rather than the policeman - though he did call the ambulance & stay with the guy until it arrived.

The person who did see the incident in question remains clear & adamant as to what he saw and is what has been relayed in his statement to the police. In doing so he questionned why the E&S are running with a different version of events and got a response along the lines of them basically having made it up themselves.

There was a separate incident which took place to the side of the Carvers gate which I did see personally, but from the other side of the little tunnel. This did involve a guy being kicked & punched as he was on the floor.

However, it does seem at the point where continued debate of the contrasting versions of events is now becoming unhealthy so as Reans has pointed I guess best to let those actually involved on the legal side carry on witrh their duties. It would be interesting, however, to see the actual footage in addition to the stills.

So, it appears that the E&S have footage of a different incident.
Wolves retweeted
West Midlands Police ‏@WMPolice 3 hrs3 hours ago

The teenager was arrested from a house in #Wednesfield at around 4am on suspicion of wounding. More info: http://ow.ly/KbX1T
0 replies . 39 retweets 20 favourites
Wolves retweeted
West Midlands Police ‏@WMPolice 3 hrs3 hours ago

LATEST: An 18-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of wounding a #Watford football fan in #Wolverhampton on Saturday. More to follow.
0 replies . 169 retweets 57 favourites
At present there is ZERO evidence out there that this guy is a football hooligan. None.

You may not have or have seen any evidence to prove such but that doesn't mean other people don't know of information that does so.

I think he means Penk just because of his assumption on the Watford fan...

He may have proof that he's chosen not to share, it's not necessarily an assumption.

But they are just claims and with no back up.

No back up that has been shared here, I'd guess Penk has had information from elsewhere before making that claim rather than just doing so on his personal whim.
You may not have or have seen any evidence to prove such but that doesn't mean other people don't know of information that does so.

He may have proof that he's chosen not to share, it's not necessarily an assumption.

No back up that has been shared here, I'd guess Penk has had information from elsewhere before making that claim rather than just doing so on his personal whim.

So, like I said.... the is ZERO evidence "out there" in the public domain that supports his assumption. Thanks
So, like I said.... the is ZERO evidence "out there" in the public domain that supports his assumption. Thanks

Just because you don't have any evidence it doesn't mean there isn't any that is available to other people, he may well have evidence that is unknown to you so the statement isn't necessarily an assumption, there's a definite assumption on your part that there is no supporting evidence though.
I don't think Penk would of said what he did, if he didn't have evidence!
I still think that the only thing that matters, is that he makes a full recovery and is back with his wife and kids.
However, we have decided that we don't want that assumption on the forum without concrete evidence behind it. That is the end of it.
man you guys don't mess around when it comes to speculation. legal action?!
man you guys don't mess around when it comes to speculation. legal action?!

Thats the nature of UK law unfortunately, not much in the nature of free speech here.
I've noticed, and it always boggles. maybe if I'd read the original posts I'd not have seen it as so confusing (doubtful).
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Well I've had to come on here to reply to a few ... who've been talking absolute nonsense on the subject. I would like to add the vast majority of Wolves fans have been fantastic in there support of a fellow football fan and I thank you for that.

I was with Moo (Nick) before the game at i think it was called the Great Western pub which I would add a local policeman told us to go to. The pub was full of wolves fans who some we chatted to and there was no hint of any trouble. We walked from there past the premier inn i think and saw the ground and just went the best/ quickest way we thought.

After the game I happened to leave a few minutes before as we weren't sitting together (brought tickets at different times) and arranged to meet at i think was the blue brick so went same way back just to clear that up for the would be Sherlock Holmes amongst you wondering why they would have been at the site of the attack (we're not local remember!)

As for saying Moo may have been mouthing off so brought it on himself, let me tell you this, he couldn't be or look more unlike a football hooligan if he tried with his grey hair and cardigan and how is 7 people kicking him the head ever justified. The cctv doesn't show the other 5-10 scumbags kicking another fan on the floor too, hence why he ran off.

So either some of you at best are very naive fools or in some way revel in the fact your club has now been propelled up the hooligan tree. And if by repeating kicking a family man in his 40's in the head pleases you than you are pathetic scum just like the ones who did this.

Once again this isn't aimed at the vast majority of posters on here and other sites who have been fantastic just the few.

My sincere apologies for suggesting he was.
Friggin away fans in the Western....