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The F1 Thread

Depends what you want from watching it guess.

If 1 part is sorted before the start...look elsewhere. For you and some others that's something else but for me it's look further down the grid. The beauty of a Sport with multiple teams involved.
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I don’t think today was remotely entertaining. But here I was sitting watching it for 2 hours.
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That was surreal seeing it like night time.

Top 10 looks fantastic though. Pretty much every one of them can be competitive within 0.5-1.0s of pace.
Charles superbly crashes out of todays race on the formation lap!
Magnussen deserves to be out in that incident, which was all caused by him cutting across to the right.
And now a bit of carnage on the start. Red flagged
Danny Ric's car whacked by a flying tyre?
Thankfully Alonso and Perez made that interesting at the end.
Thankfully Alonso and Perez made that interesting at the end.
I’ll have my weekly moan about spending 2 hours watching it again for… well I don’t really know what/why
So it's the first ever Las Vegas GP this weekend. The times are stupid though. Basically on Japanese time in the US just so they can have the race at "prime time" on Sat night.

10pm local time on Saturday is the race. (6am UK time.)

Second half of the lap after turn 12 looks extremely dull.

It’s a horrible track tbh - at least on the f1 game it is! Crazy long straights and some stupid really slow fiddly bits in the middle like Miami and Baku. Everything about this is a bit of a shit show. They’ve pissed everyone who lives in the area, racing when it’s going to be really cold so the tyres won’t cope and overpriced everything to such an extent that they’re putting massive last minute discount just to try and sell tickets.

Oh and opening ceremonies for a Grand Prix ffs.
I disagree mostly about Baku. It has created a few very decent races. This will probably be shit though.
If there’s overtaking opportunities then it’s better than 80% of the tracks.
Good tracks are Silverstone, Spa and Monza. Suzuka should be but it’s a bit narrow. Brazil usually creates a good race.

No coincidence that these are the older tracks that have evolved over 70 years.

Monaco of course cannot evolve and is the worst of the lot.

I liked Sepang, and Turkey was a decent track. Austin should create decent racing, and so should Baku.

Jeddah is downright dangerous. Bahrain is okay. Yas Marina is dull. Never been a great lover of Hockenheim since they shortened it but I do understand the reasoning there. Austria is a dull circuit, although its position and the stands make it a good spectacle. Singapore is virtually impossible to overtake - a sweaty and humid Monaco.

Mexico has emasculated the best corner on the circuit for a fiddly bit for safety reasons. Barcelona gets credit for being better than Valencia was.

The post Senna changes to Tamburello have ruined the best bit of Imola but without redirecting a river it would be impossible to have a safe runoff in the old configuration.

France needs a decent circuit. Magny Cours was shite and Paul Rickard combines being shite with being eye bleeding to watch.

Zandvoort should have been magnificent but it is miles too narrow.

Hungaroring is an odd one. Usually a bore fest but then randomly chucks out a classic race every so often.

Canada is pretty decent and does have overtaking but is also often about brake and tyre management as it is 20 seconds full beams, screech to second gear, rinse, repeat.

Albert Park Melbourne is sort of okay but I struggle to remember a good race. If safety concerns could be addressed (utterly impossible sadly) I would love to see F1 at Mount Panorama!

Mugello was fantastic in 2020 and I would love to see F1 return there. Same with Portimao.

Shanghai is a decent circuit but it feels like aeons since we have seen it.
They’ve now identified the problem with multiple drains on the circuit. Maybe they should have, I don’t know, checked the track before sending cars out on it at 200mph