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Tomorrow's fans parliament

Might be a literary geek, but he's certainly not a grammar geek.
The other point is - corporate governance rules are you CAN'T take something as read without appending it somewhere. Normally in the board papers which should be circulated before the meeting to all attendees. Maybe it will get kicked out that way.

Langers - I have to say that the Mix reps at FP from my previous experience have been decent types.

As they are submitting this letter too late I think the chances of it getting anywhere are zero.
Has he read any?

I'm no Shakespeare but I do write for a living. I can accept that kind of stream of consciousness, inadvertent Ulysses vibe generally from people who are angry, but you can't honestly sit back, type that out, submit and claim you know literature. Because that is shit.
Pumpking seems to be 'in the know'? Perhaps him and a team of volunteers could put the statement on the seats before Saturday's game?!!!!!

Reality is if we'd have got any sort of result Saturday I don't think this letter would have been composed.
Good start with the same group of players and there's no debate.
Good example is blues, behind the scenes the club has been a car crash for a few years and still is in financial trouble, but no one talks about it whist there winning.
We start poorly and the whole ethos of the club, ambition and lack of ideas is bought to question.
The reality is its down to poor team selection and tactics not much else.
It's a poorly worded letter at best, but there are some interesting points they raise. Not least the Sako point about replacing him. And the Moxey statement and although ham fisted, keeping the CEO and senior management on after a double relegation would normally be business suicide.

Of course Steve Morgan could, and probably should, say,'It's my club I'll run it how I want'. However I wonder if a fan could say he was mis-sold his season ticket on Moxey's words?
I'm all for questioning and all for raising challenging questions. This should be the point of the fans parliament.

I would nail Moxley to the wall for his comments about replacing Sako.

I would not write something that contradicts itself and isn't evidence based in it's approach - unless it was a stream of concious based rant. It really irritates me when people reinforce the illiterate football fan stereotype.

Either way I first held a season ticket in the mid 90s and my addition to the addendum would be "Not in my name."
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Where was the guarantee?

Where was the financial loss? You bought a season ticket for 23 home games. The appearance or otherwise of a Sako replacement means you get to see.....23 home games.
It has been for a long time.

However, I was just explaining it. Missed you were joshing so apologies.
No need. That letter should make everybody laugh.
I think they raise some good points. I also think you are being over critical at some points and you are talking more rubbish than them.
I think they raise some good points. I also think you are being over critical at some points and you are talking more rubbish than them.

Which points and why are people talking rubbish?
Well that is entirely your right to think that Punts. Think what you like - all forums are effectively (sort of) democracies and if you don't agree with my thoughts that is absolutely fine. What bits do you think are particularly more rubbish?
One man's gospel is another man's garbage, etc etc...