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Fulham (A) Build up


World Cup 2014 PTG Champion - Not actually that Yo
Apr 15, 2010
Reaction score
May try and make the trip for this if I can afford it. Was going to go last night but had a few things come up - needless to say I made a bad choice anyway!!



Iorfa Williamson Hause Doherty

Evans/Price Saiss

Costa Cavaleiro Weimann/Marshall


That is me being hopeful. Edwards will keep his place (I suspect Caveleiro will be on the bench one more time for fitness reasons), Coady will keep his place too. That said, who knows what will happen as Lambert's selections have been very random lately. I'm disappointed Bright has not been making the squad either.
If there are no injuries, shouldn't he keep the same side?
Seeing as we have Williamson who could come back in for Batth, who Hause plays far better alongside? Not forgetting Batth was (partly) at fault for the goal Brentford scored? Cavaleiro came on and changed the game but Edwards should remain in a position he has been totally ineffective in for the whole of 2017 so far?
I don't really want Edwards in the team but this is one game where he might actually come in useful as we aren't likely to be in possession especially often and we could do with his energy in there (and he's a better option than Coady in that respect). When I say "in there", I mean central midfield in a 4-2-3-1, which is the only position he can play now. I never want to see him at #10 again, it hasn't worked for a long, long time if it ever genuinely has at this level. I think I'd stick with Evans to partner him as it seems he had a good game last night. Saiss is a bit of a cause célèbre (which is understandable to an extent) but I don't think he influences games as much as he should, he's painfully slow at times too.

Willo back in if fit, Batth has 10 yellow cards now so I think may be banned? Stearman can't play under the terms of his loan. The key is that we do actually look to have a go at some point because when we can put out our better forward players, we do carry a threat if we get the ball to them properly and give them proper support.






Subs: Burgoyne, Doherty, Saiss, Gibbs-White, Enobakhare, Bodvarsson, Dicko

2016/17: D 4-4 (H)
2015/16: W 3-2 (H), W 3-0 (A)
2014/15: W 3-0 (H), W 1-0 (A), D 0-0 (A, FAC), D 3-3 (H, FAC, lost on pens)
2011/12: W 2-0 (H), L 0-5 (A)
2010/11: D 1-1 (H), L 1-2 (A)
2009/10: W 2-1 (H), D 0-0 (A)
2003/4: W 2-1 (H), D 0-0 (A)
2000/1: D 0-0 (H), L 0-2 (A), L 2-3 (A, LC)
1999/0: W 3-0 (H), W 1-0 (A)
1997/8: W 1-0 (A, LC), W 1-0 (H, LC)
1995/6: W 2-0 (H, LC), W 5-1 (A, LC)
Tough test coming up, sterner opposition than both Rotherham and Brentford. Will probably be team bingo again but need to pick our strongest players for this one. I'd go with:


Williamson (c)




It will probably be Coady rather than Iorfa at RB. I have gone for Evans and Saville in front of the defence as by all accounts they did well there last night and I won't pick Edwards. If Edwards must play though he is better off here than at no.10
The cut-off for 10 yellows in the Championship is 2nd Sunday in March which was the 12th.
So on that basis Batth has just missed a ban.

The next ban point is 15 yellows by the end of the season when a player would get a 3 match ban.

So Willo if fit, and Batth on the bench as Stearman is unavailable on the terms of his loan.
It's clear to me based off the last couple of games that we need Weimann, Marshall, Costa and Cav in the front 4 positions
December's game exemplified Fulham. If you let them play then they are the best footballing team in the division and by quite some way too. If you have a go at them then they are as soft as shite. Not many teams would have let us back in from 3-1 up and totally in control, we didn't even have to do that much to make them cave. They don't bother with a defensive midfielder at all and their back four and keeper are nothing to write home about. Sessegnon could be amazing one day but he's still very much learning defensively.

Happily for us given his record against us, Chris Martin doesn't seem to be first choice any more.
We can see that by using Ivan Cavaleiro in the ten role Wolves could cause Kevin McDonald all sorts of problems with his speed, strength and general ability on the ball. By using Marshall to feed balls into pockets of space beyond McDonald you make him defend which is his weakness and takes him out of his comfort zone.
With Costa, Cav, Marshall & Weimann all available to fill the 3 positions behind the striker then there is no excuse for picking Edwards anywhere other than in a deeper midfiled position or on the bench.

Personally, I would have Iorfa/Williamson/Hause/Doherty as the back 4 but as Lambert seems to use a random defender generator then I wont hold my breath.





I know Edwards does his best work off the ball but him closing down Fulham's midfield 3 will just lead to gaps opening up for them to exploit. Keep Saiss in there and let Evans be the one that gets forward a little to support the front 4. Cav in the 10 will cause problems if we can get ti to him because Fulham don't really have anyone to sit in that hole.

I would be worried about Doherty defensively but i don't think Saville will be any better and the way to beat Fulham is to attack them and cause them problems which Doherty can do.
Which one of Costa/Cav/Marshall/Weimann played up front last night after Dicko went off? Weimann?





This. Doc for Saville and Dicko for Weimann would be more or less the same. Would love us try to play some good football and perhaps surprise the home side by pressing high and really going for it. Suspect Lambert will see it as a bridge too far to try and outplay one of the better sides in the league away from home and play Edwards (sigh) or the more hardworking Weimann in stead of Cav as number 10. Things turn around quickly though, and I actually think this is winnable with a bit of confidence and better finishing.
I would sooner sit then break on Fulham rather play a high press which they can play around quite easily with their quality. Back to the FA Cup game plan, speed on transition.
Have made a late decision to go to this (so late that ticket will be coming down on the Wolves coach & will have to pick up at the ground)

Had been disillusioned after my last game v Birmingham, so hope that they give a Brentford style performance than the one they did for that one

Hopefully Lambert has seen that having 4 actual proper attackers on the field rather than 3 + Edwards there means that goals might occur. Even if Batth has just beaten the deadline for a 10 yellow ban would still much rather that its a Williamson/Hause combo as that is the most secure pairing we can put out.
Going to this. When i told the missus id booked a weekend at the cottage with river views im not sure she had this in mind :icon_lol:

As long as we don't set up cautiously and make them think i think we have a chance. If we look at their goals for and try and sit one out itll hurt us.

Cavaleiro as number ten for me. Edwards is bound to play but please be in the middle rather than the advanced role.
Ha ha - my wife's coming to her first ever Wolves match with after nearly 33 years marriage - the trade off was to take her to a West End show in the evening!
I don't really want Edwards in the team but this is one game where he might actually come in useful as we aren't likely to be in possession especially often and we could do with his energy in there (and he's a better option than Coady in that respect). When I say "in there", I mean central midfield in a 4-2-3-1, which is the only position he can play now. I never want to see him at #10 again, it hasn't worked for a long, long time if it ever genuinely has at this level. I think I'd stick with Evans to partner him as it seems he had a good game last night. Saiss is a bit of a cause célèbre (which is understandable to an extent) but I don't think he influences games as much as he should, he's painfully slow at times too.

Willo back in if fit, Batth has 10 yellow cards now so I think may be banned? Stearman can't play under the terms of his loan. The key is that we do actually look to have a go at some point because when we can put out our better forward players, we do carry a threat if we get the ball to them properly and give them proper support.






Subs: Burgoyne, Doherty, Saiss, Gibbs-White, Enobakhare, Bodvarsson, Dicko

I agree with all of this and would probably pick this team.
Match Ticket and Coach Ticket all sorted. Not been to Fulham before so looking forward to this one as Wolves usually take a big following there.
Unless players are tired or injured, I just hope Lambert plays the same team as against Brentford. UTW.
Match Ticket and Coach Ticket all sorted. Not been to Fulham before so looking forward to this one as Wolves usually take a big following there.
Unless players are tired or injured, I just hope Lambert plays the same team as against Brentford. UTW.

So Edwards as the CAM and Cav on the bench? D'oh.