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Refereeing question

City's winning goal - McDermott is whinging about it but I can't see anything wrong with it - Barry's running on to the ball and is airborne before he gets anywhere near Shorey, I don't think you can say that it was premeditated?

Apparently, a few City players thought it was a foul. Personally I thought it was a good goal. It was only momentum that took Barry into the defender.
Exactly my point. Shorey, if he wasn't static, appeared to be trying to impede Barry too.
Mark Halsey having yet another absolute shocker apparently. How does he keep his job?
Sympathy vote. The FA are scared to do anything as the papers will through his fight with cancer at them.
Mark Halsey will be judged on his performances, as all referees are. Up to the end of December his marks from assessors had him in the top ten rated referees, so he must be doing something right.
Up to the end of December his marks from assessors had him in the top ten rated referees, so he must be doing something right.

Mark Halsey will be judged on his performances, as all referees are. Up to the end of December his marks from assessors had him in the top ten rated referees, so he must be doing something right.

Maybe the assessors should be changed then.

Dear Assessors,

Tell me how Halsey can justify giving a penalty for that. He was looking right at it.
Now whilst not a penalty.....is that a dive or a player anticipating contact and getting out of the way?
Would you really need to "get out of the way" there? Stevens is hardly going to break your leg with his Corica style tackle, is he. I think it's a dive and a terrible decision. Again.
Challenge coming in against your ankle. Remember footballers are big girls these days and hate contact

If I were getting out of the way I'd be jumping over the challenge. Not throwing myself on the floor...

Also apparently Lambert confronted Halsey after the game and he insisted that he was 100% right to give it. Until this system changes where the ref needs to admit his own fault before we can have things overturned then nothing will change (of course nothing could have changed there retrospectively, but you know what I mean. There is zero accountability and that's just wrong)
Just for the record, I am not stating it wasn't a dive just seen a lot of "dives" this season where I don't think it has been a dive.
My issue looking at the footage is this:

The tackle is coming in towards Rodriguez' right ankle. He sees it and lifts that leg to avoid it. All good so far. It is the deliberate sliding of his other leg to make himself go down like a sack of shite that is the dive.
It is the deliberate sliding of his other leg to make himself go down like a sack of shite that is the dive.

Seems to be the way of the modern footballer, cover all bases just in case
Just for the record, I am not stating it wasn't a dive just seen a lot of "dives" this season where I don't think it has been a dive.

I can think of at least two of Bale's yellow cards this season that would come into that bracket.

Not much question in this case for me though. It's a dive, at least Rochina managed to mash his boot into Sako's shin last night before doing his dying swan act.