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The Things You Are HAPPY About Thread.

Are those the effectively 1 tonne big bags that you get delivered?

We tend to order sands by one tonne pallets so you get forty bags to the pallet, and something like 27 pallets on a truckload. We don’t order one tonne bags because the 25 kg bags of sand and the same size as 25 kg cement bags. Handy when you want the same amount of each in a concrete mix.
in pubs a standard keg is mostly referred to as an 11 (gallon), but in reality is 50 litres.
They are all in gallons at the brewerys. When I worked there, there were four main sizes.

9 gallon = Firkin (72 pints)
11 gallon = Standard straight sided. Most commonly sold for lager (88 pints)
18 gallon = Kilderkin (144 pints)
36 gallon = Barrel (288 pints)

I could just about lift a full firkin, but not very far. I could only just tip over a kil, a barrel I couldn't even move. Those draymen were bloody strong! Empty they were all easy to lift though the barrel was really awkward because of its size.
Are those the effectively 1 tonne big bags that you get delivered?

We tend to order sands by one tonne pallets so you get forty bags to the pallet, and something like 27 pallets on a truckload. We don’t order one tonne bags because the 25 kg bags of sand and the same size as 25 kg cement bags. Handy when you want the same amount of each in a concrete mix.

Nah, 1m3 of sand is about 1.6T dry. You get about 800kg in a 'ton' bag, just to keep things simple.
Are those the effectively 1 tonne big bags that you get delivered?

We tend to order sands by one tonne pallets so you get forty bags to the pallet, and something like 27 pallets on a truckload. We don’t order one tonne bags because the 25 kg bags of sand and the same size as 25 kg cement bags. Handy when you want the same amount of each in a concrete mix.

Half hundred weight bags, 40 to a tonne....just to make things even more interesting.
Actually moved last Friday. The most drawn out stressful shit was given an added boost as on the day before we were due to complete our buyer went into silent mode and couldn't be contacted to exchange. So on the Friday, the exchange was done by 12pm....our buyers solicitors then took nearly 3 hours to send the money to ours, lazy fuckers but it was finally all done at 4pm.

House isn't sorted yet and won't be until our new furniture arrives in friggin October (never knew how much I would miss a sofa) but just glad this all over and we can start working on making this our home.
Actually moved last Friday. The most drawn out stressful shit was given an added boost as on the day before we were due to complete our buyer went into silent mode and couldn't be contacted to exchange. So on the Friday, the exchange was done by 12pm....our buyers solicitors then took nearly 3 hours to send the money to ours, lazy fuckers but it was finally all done at 4pm.

House isn't sorted yet and won't be until our new furniture arrives in friggin October (never knew how much I would miss a sofa) but just glad this all over and we can start working on making this our home.

Welcome to Shropshire
One month ago I was sat in A&E with some pretty horrible injuries and honestly not being able to do anything. Just physically wrecked, I could barely see properly.

Today I've got a new gig starting (well, I need to get to bed fairly soon so I can start in the morning :D), having a great time with my new girl, visually it looks like I'm recovered and though the bone isn't quite healed, it's nearly there. Well in trim, dropped some weight but retained the muscle which is the key. If I'm wearing a top that I bought in 2004 then I can't be doing too badly.

Because I'm bipolar (amongst other things) it can fall apart at any point but that's not even been a factor lately. I'm doing enough things to keep my mind active and healthy.

I'm happy. Might as well document it now as it could be 2032 before it happens again.
Good stuff, Dan.
What's the new gig?
Just the usual mate, bit of freelance writing, nothing massive and I'll be done by Friday. But obviously I've been out of the game totally for a month so good to just pick something up.
Well, those Reader's Wives submissions don't write themselves, I suppose.
Nice to hear deutsch!
I'm aspiring to fit in some trousers I bought in 2004...
Seeing as there is nothing on the horizon career wise I've decided I'm going to be one of those 'Influencers', I just need someone now to pay for a holiday so I can send photos back of my latest swimwear and manicured eyebrows.......please
Seeing as there is nothing on the horizon career wise I've decided I'm going to be one of those 'Influencers', I just need someone now to pay for a holiday so I can send photos back of my latest swimwear and manicured eyebrows.......please

Are you on LinkedIn? Bit of a craphole at times, but good place for jobs.