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The Things You Are HAPPY About Thread.

Mr Penguin's bought 2 tickets to go and see Morrissey, on one condition that I give the one ticket to someone else who really wants to go. Slight problem, no one that I know here wants to go .
Also looking forward to the weekend , as usual full of football after a couple of days off :)

at Spurs training ground tomorrow as our under eights play Spurs top group at that age, coaching my under twelves, going on to watch Wolves thrash Birmingham (...) and then a driving lesson!

Next day under twelves have a game against a team near them in the league. Should be fun!
Getting dragged along to Mumford & Sons tonight with my girlfriend, unfortunately her sister is ill, they're not really my cup of tea but i can at least go and have a few drinks after a weeks work, then it's a toss up between car shopping or christmas shopping tomorrow, both unwelcome but neccessary, before the Wolves game. Then i'm just hoping last night's milder weather continues through the weekend so i can wake up on Sunday to a muddy rather than frozen pitch and not have the annoyance of waking up for nothing.
I'd be willing to trade places but i think my girlfriend would probably notice you weren't me at some point.
I'm babysitting tonight anyway. I was speaking generally.
I'm quite liking the train, haven't been on one in a while, feel like a kid again.
Mumford & Sons were awesome, still wouldn't be my first choice but a very talented group of musicians indeed. Their last song was possibly the most impressive live performance I've ever seen but I won't ruin it for Jack by saying what they played.
Mumford & Sons were awesome, still wouldn't be my first choice but a very talented group of musicians indeed. Their last song was possibly the most impressive live performance I've ever seen but I won't ruin it for Jack by saying what they played.

Absolute quality!
At last, I finally have my way. The humungous piece of gym equipment in my house that has been gathering dust and doing little else for the past 11 years has finally been dismantled and stored away, freeing up half of a room . Sometimes it pays to listen to the other half .