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Wolves 1-2 QPR: The Verdict

Deutsch Wolf

aka Dawn
Oct 16, 2009
Reaction score
Seven home wins in an entire calendar year spent entirely in this terrible division. Criminal stuff really. At least the club can be under no illusion - that back five is just not fit for purpose (though helpfully we've handed four year deals to two of them already this season...). Carry on with them and there's always a chance we'll need to score three to win games, which just isn't sustainable (especially when we haven't had a striker score for us since August 20th). Poor stuff, much work to do.

Still though, that rounds off a shocking 2016 in footballing terms. 2017 can scarcely be worse.
QPR have scored 3 goals in their last seven - all against us.
The only good thing to take away from today's games is it shows that we haven't, and won't with the current players, improve defensively.

Hopefully whoever is scouting and buying our players we realise that. If it's Thelwell I don't hold out much hope.
The defending for both goals was appalling.

Apart from that we played alright. Just a shame we were let down by Batth n Co. New back 5 in Jan please.
Call me old fashioned, but a couple of strikers who can score goals would be helpful.
Jack Price MOTM. Honourable mentions for Coady and Edwards (he scored).

Everyone else was poor. QPRs second is up there with the worst goal I've seen us concede this season (Cameron Jerome's leading but I've not seen a replay of today's goal).
QPR have scored 3 goals in their last seven - all against us.

2 games 5 shots on target and three goals.

I hate our back five so much. I would not trust them to defend in parks football. We need to score 3 a game for a point with those 5. That said we know this and have known it for two years. Two centre forwards who could not score in a brothel really doesn't help either.if we were more clinical it would not matter so much that we cannot defend.

Much change needed in both personnel and attitude. Our home form in 2016 is relegation form. We have lost to some proper shit at home this year and dropped points to the poorest teams in this league and its just not acceptable. We have all had enough of this

We are not cursed but we for whatever reason are at our shittiest against the divisions shittiest teams and that must have something to do with attitude
Some tough decisions for Lambert which will show whether he's his own man or not. Batth needs to go and if some mug offers serious money for Dicko we should take that as well
Jack Price was outstanding today, Coady is settling into the right back role but my, what was the defending about for the winner?
Need to have a central midfielder to pass the ball to them first.

This of course is true, but........did we not have 20+ shots, of which 5 were on target....and lots of people giving motm to Price, priorities for me are, a decent CB who can organize, a proper fullback and a striker to at least give Dicko/Bod a break
Thought we passed well with no end product. Batth should have been in the refs ear every time they time wasted. Instead he was probably rearranging his quiff.
I've got nothing to go on as I only kept in touch via this thread so apologies if I'm talking guff but it appears QPR came for a draw, wanted a draw but got a win without having to break sweat and us huffing and puffing....bit deflated after recent results even if we weren't playing especially well.
Jack Price MOTM. Honourable mentions for Coady and Edwards (he scored).

Yet, Their 1st goal came from Price not wanting to tackle the man down the wing, probaly cos he would have got another yellow.
The 2nd started with Price being outmuscled with the slightest of challenges from the eventual scorer.

Cav still hasnt learned from the last match, he is slowly turning into Mr "i am van la parra and i will kill any attacking intent we have out wide whilst i piss about with the ball for a bit" (Mr element of suprise he aint)

I do wonder how long we are going to wait for Dicko to regain "any" kid of form.

Oh and QPR are one the worst anti footballing team i have seen in years...feel sorry for their fans watching that shite.
To be honest it sounded like we did OK today and on another day would have won comfortably. Unfortunately we have non scoring strikers and non defending defenders


That defending though.

As sporting director Thelwell must've signed off on the contract extension for Batth, this for me must cast serious doubt on his judgement.

Similarly, since Lamberts arrival Edwards and Ikeme have both had substantial new contracts highlighting either Lambert rates them as important mid-long term or Thelwell is dishing out contracts without input from Lambert?

In either scenario i don't particularly trust either of them, January is going to tell us ALOT.
Yet, Their 1st goal came from Price not wanting to tackle the man down the wing, probaly cos he would have got another yellow.
The 2nd started with Price being outmuscled with the slightest of challenges from the eventual scorer.

Cav still hasnt learned from the last match, he is slowly turning into Mr "i am van la parra and i will kill any attacking intent we have out wide whilst i piss about with the ball for a bit" (Mr element of suprise he aint)

I do wonder how long we are going to wait for Dicko to regain "any" kid of form.

Oh and QPR are one the worst anti footballing team i have seen in years...feel sorry for their fans watching that $#@!e.

Not sure I agree with the sharp criticism of price there

1st goal - he was not quick enough but that's because he had to track back from the middle of the pitch to cover Doherty who had gone completely AWOL and left their right winger with acres of space to run into.

Their second goal, yes he is out muscled but that's not the most pressing issue (as you make it seem - whether intentional or not) we had numerous chances to clear, didn't, then ikeme let the ball stroll past him into the goal.

Away from that - I really don't care much for this 'we had 20 shots they had 4' mentality because a lot of our shots were absolute dross half the time and doesn't really provide a good image of the game - as I don't believe we were anywhere near as threatening generally as that statement would have you believe
Their winner is about as rank bad defending as you will see. It is text book how not to defend, get the wrong side, fail to challenge and Ikeme looks a plum as they t rolls past him. His reaction is why in some cases it happens. If I had conceded that goal I would have been incandescent. All four defenders would have been berated until they heard ringing in their ears. Ikeme just picks the ball out of the net. They are not scared of him so switch off and don't concentrate. Peter Schmiechal would still be bollocking Batth for that non challenge. Its your box Carl fucking own it!
Little threat despite lots of shots, most of which were feeble efforts from range. Today showed exactly why we need at least one CH and a striker that can play up front on his own. Dicko looked like a youth player - constantly outmuscled and poor decisions when he did actually manage to get the ball under control.

Until we get to a position where we don’t need to score at least two goals to get a point we will be looking down not up. It will be interesting to see who PL brings in during the window as it will show where he thinks the problem is. Today I thought he let things go far too long before making a change as nobody other than Price, Costa or Coady could have been aggrieved to be subbed, and with a game on Monday not using all three subs was ridiculous.
Lambert thought we were brilliant I can't explain how bad some of our defending was. Some good points though the football leading up to the equaliser and onwards was good Price pinging the ball around for fun and Costa always looked dangerous.

I'll do a match report later on but it almost writes itself.

Bright had a wonderful chance at nil nil if he scores I think it's a different game.

QPR were woeful time wasting pretty much from kick off blatantly coming for a draw but sneaking the win.

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