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Wolves 2-1 Derby: The Verdict

Deutsch Wolf

aka Dawn
Oct 16, 2009
Reaction score
Now that's a bit more like it. Of course it doesn't paper over all the cracks, there's still a lot of work to do. From a footballing point of view we didn't play a great deal of aesthetically pleasing stuff. But there was application, desire and a proper game plan. Effort and coherent tactics get you a bloody long way in this league. For once, I'm a happy man on a Saturday. Man of the match...drum roll...wait for it, wait for it...Doherty. Yeah, I know.
Now that's a bit more like it. Of course it doesn't paper over all the cracks, there's still a lot of work to do. From a footballing point of view we didn't play a great deal of aesthetically pleasing stuff. But there was application, desire and a proper game plan. Effort and coherent tactics get you a bloody long way in this league. For once, I'm a happy man on a Saturday. Man of the match...drum roll...wait for it, wait for it...Doherty. Yeah, I know.

That post is almost as good as the result, fantastic.
Hats off to the lads they looked like a unit today instead of dithering fools. Backline coped well with Derby's attacking threat. Thought Coady, McDonald played the midfield well, and finally we had that number 10 (albeit just today) that worked from midfield into the box and scored two great goals. Flanks/Wing backs added a attacking threat and doubled up well at the back as well. Siggy let the side down a bit, usless lump.
Incredible. And that's just Deutsch's post. happy Saturday!
The only person who I think disappointed was Sigurdarson sadly despite that shot that went off the post (not that the formation helped but he was clumsy when he did get the ball) but it was just generally solid as a whole, MUCH better! It's just one game of course but hopefully it's the start of something instead of just an exception, this!
I'm going to disagree with quirk there, I thought Siggy had a good game - brought the lumped balls down and either ran with it or brought others into play. He muffed up at times, but worked his arse off and gave us a platform.

Apart from that, thought Byrne, McDonald, coady and batth had good games and saville and Doherty were excellent - the winner was a great cross and an even better header.

Still not a slick performance but miles better.

The pitch was awful - how's it got so bad?
Bloody hell we won, fair play!

I've been busy struggling with a broken shower and stop cock all morning, this result has given me hope that maybe I might actualy manage to fix them
Thought Bjorn played well. Pretty thankless task but he lead the line and was unlucky with his strike off the post.

Really happy for Saville. Always knew there was a player in there.

Coady looked like the Coady from the first few games of the season, Doherty was class going forwards and Batth & EEL looked solid. Where has that performance been for the last few months? Bring on the Boro!

P.S. Helan looked fairly shit.
FT 2-1

Excellent result. See, we can do it when we want to

Siggy doesn't do it for me. Helan looks a good addition. Byrne looked good and was surprised he was subbed but we won

I eagerly await the Derby supporting missus who will be back from work just after 3!
Yeah, we didn't play much football. I think a lot of players stepped up their performances individually. Couple that with an actual game plan and you can see why it was so much better than most of the performances this season. Out of possession we were very good in the first half, less so in the second half up until the last ten minutes. Even before the winner we looked like we had found some energy from somewhere.

Ikeme - Was far more proactive than when I had last season him. Came off his line far quicker than usual and made a couple of decent stops

Iorfa - Though we got thrashed without him it was probably a very wise decision from KJ to take him out of the firing line. He looked fresher than of recent times, only when Mason came on did he look slightly exposed 2 v 1. Would like to have seen him be encouraged to support the attack more.

Batth - average. Was protected better and that meant he made less errors.

EEL - same really. Looked slightly more at ease with the ball. beginning of the game he was dragged out of position a couple of times by Martin but got a grip after.

Doherty - best I've seen him play. Russell caused him little trouble and he linked with McDonald and Helan very well. Was worried when Ince came out and he get caught out but after that he was solid. A very good performance from him and what a cross for the winner.

McDonald - a much improved performance from K-Mac. Pushed off the ball slightly too easily sometimes but he moved the ball well today when when we did have possession and less play went through our midfield than usual.

Saville - two excellent finishes. He grew into the game first half but second half was anonymous. He does get himself in some decent positions in front of goal so hopefully this can start a run of goals for him.

Coady - great off the ball, pretty crap on the ball. His energy was very infectious, and the plan today suited him. We spent long spells without the ball and he picked good opportunities to close down the ball with the support of Siggy/Saville and created good opportunities. Against sides where we have more of the ball I'm not sure he will be as useful however. Him or Doherty for MOTM today though.

Byrne - was a great shield for Iorfa. Inconsistent on the ball, sometimes he looks very dangerous and can cross the ball well other times he trips over the ball. I hope Kj will give him a run of games now.

Siggy - Was pretty crap, even if he was isolated. Long balls don't suit him as he wins fuck all but it was frustrating when he got himself into great positions only for a poor touch to let him down. Good effort late on.

Helan - He's a bit mental but he gave us a better balance and the team looked better for it. He has pace and he worked very hard, so as a temporary solution he will be useful for us.

Hopefully we can build off of this performance. We have a shape that may suit us better now, with pace in wide areas and the midfield working hard. Now we need to look to use the three in midfield to control possession better.
Very happy with the win Saville MOTM but Coady came close. In fairness most contributed and the work rate was excellent. Helan looks lively but raw I am much happier with him there than Rowe or Henry! Gutted the Siggy shot didn't go in just for the effort he put in.

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Helan kept the ball well but his decision making needs to be quicker. I'm still a bit miffed that we cannot play two strikers, especially at home but you can't fault their application today. Eleven leaders out there - all responsible, disciplined and better organised. A terrible pitch but we attempted to get the ball down, press higher and work those little triangles. Would focus on EEL getting in on crosses for those set pieces though. Better defensively apart from when they lost Ince. Saville - MoM.
Zyro back Wednesday great news!

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I thought Helan and Doherty worked together really well on the left. Thought they both played really well. I like the look of Helan. Quick and suitably mental.

MOTM goes to Saville for the two goals, but Doherty was right up there in the reckoning. I also thought Coady and KMac had decent games. Excellent first 45 from Nathan Byrne too, although he did tire and was less effective after the break.
I don't think he was that bad but would welcome Zyro in his place for Boro if he's fit enough.

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Zyro won't play v Boro. Maybe a bench spot. His Tweet says - "Mon - testing - Wed - Full Training". He won't go straight in after 2 days of training
Can't ask for more than that, was solid and much improved. Saville was great as was Coady. Siggy was quite isolated but worked his socks off. Just so happy, a great Saturday afternoon for once.

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Ikeme - Came out and caught balls well. No blame for their goal IMO. I'd still play Martinez personally though - 6

Iorfa - Did ok defensively and tried to get forward but his ball control was shocking - 6

Doherty - Great game from him. Got forward and linked with Helan ok. Had a spell after Ince came on where he got caught upfield a couple of times buy did ok defensively otherwise. Superb cross for the winning goal - 8

Batth/EEL - Coped well with Martin and put their bodies in the way when Derby tried to play through the middle - 7

Byrne - Always tried to run at people though got himself in knots at times. Good defensively - 6

Helan - Got a good turn of pace and has the odd trick which works. Gets himself tangled up at times though and could release the ball quicker. Early days though. Decent debut - 6

Coady - Put himself about nicely, and whilst not the best passer always drives forward with the ball given the chance to. Often involved in the attacks. Much more like what we want to see from him - 7

McDonald - Great first half. Kept the ball brilliantly and played some great forward passes. Quieter in the 2nd half though, probably because Derby matched up with us in midfield - 6

Saville - This is more like it. Got himself up and down the pitch and did good work both offensively and defensively. Decent passing and movement and scored two good goals. MOTM - 8

Sigurdarson - Hmmmm. Disappointing. Couldn't win a header and looked like a bloke who hadn't played for months on when he got on the ball. Couple of good runs on the break though and was unlucky to hit the post - 5
I don't get the feelings with Siggy. In the context of the game he lead by example. Deserved a goal for his contribution. I'm sure it's a minimum 7/10 for all of them. A very welcome team performance.