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Wolves 2 - Cambridge 1 verdict thread

Parkins left foot

'Quirk's Gay Game Winner'
May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Into the 3rd round draw, but didn't make it easy

Costa sounded bright & Lonergan made some good saves.

We came alive when Bodvarssen appeared & we actually had a striker on the pitch. Defence at 6s & 7s, but you can't shuffle it like that & expect cohesion
Job done in attritional cup game.

At least it meant Costa got a start to show what he can do, and we're still unbeaten.

I've got a niggling feeling we're going to lose that unbeaten record on Sat though.
laboured and missed chances, but created chances and sounded like we were embedding the new players which is good. I wish that Wolves radio commentary would stop reading out peoples annoying tweets though.
There were plenty of changes, both in personnel and positional. While we probably made hard work of it, at least it gave a few players a run out. Into the next round when I suppose we will be drawn away to Manchester United.
Prince looked sluggish and a bit off the pace - hope he's just a bit rusty. JP influential in the middle of the park and was the de facto captain IMHO. Costa looked quick but needs to play wide as he isn't a striker.
Typical league cup game against lower league opposition. Dunno how Cambridge are bottom of league 2 though
I'm viewing these LC games as pre season Friendlies for the new players and Walt. Couldn't give a fuck about the scores so long as it aids with getting Walts ideas across and improves the fitness of the new signings/allows them to gel with new and old.

To that end I'm slightly disappointed CJB didn't get any minutes but we go on.
I'm viewing these LC games as pre season Friendlies for the new players and Walt. Couldn't give a fuck about the scores so long as it aids with getting Walts ideas across and improves the fitness of the new signings/allows them to gel with new and old.

To that end I'm slightly disappointed CJB didn't get any minutes but we go on.

CJB only turned up yesterday so not surprised to see him unused, though we would have learned more (& not been weakened) if he had come on rather than Doherty.

We know what the latter can do
Could be worse - Watford out & Derby & WB in penalties at the moment
Derby currently at 11-11 on penalties with Carlisle....
Some spells of great attacking football mixed with spells of nervy defending.

We struggled to cope with Cambridges varied threats from corners, mixed hitting the big man at the far post with hitting the big man at the far post.

Costa is rapid and he ran until his legs went. Prince was in and out of the game but he can pick a pass. Promising signs and at least he hasn't entered with a "Doumbia".
Wallace MOTM. He was fucked after 80 mins. He covered so much of the pitch got a goal and an assist. Could have got a trick.

Tex....we are going to have to get used to him trying some flicks and shit but I do like that if he loses the ball he works hard to try and get it back.
Prince looked sluggish and a bit off the pace - hope he's just a bit rusty. JP influential in the middle of the park and was the de facto captain IMHO. Costa looked quick but needs to play wide as he isn't a striker.
Typical league cup game against lower league opposition. Dunno how Cambridge are bottom of league 2 though

Radio Cambridgeshire commentators reckoned that's the best they've played all season, the difference being playing Elito through the middle rather than on the wing.
If ever there was an award for half hearted displays then Henry gets gold for tonight.
Looks like a player that knows hes off very soon and as soon as he pulled rank on
Wallace for the penalty you just knew he wouldn score.
Hope Prince is just "settling" in cos he was nowt to write home about and Hause
was bloody awful at the back and he makes Iorfa panic too.
Motm Wallace / Costa.
If ever there was an award for half hearted displays then Henry gets gold for tonight.
Looks like a player that knows hes off very soon and as soon as he pulled rank on
Wallace for the penalty you just knew he wouldn score.
Hope Prince is just "settling" in cos he was nowt to write home about and Hause
was bloody awful at the back and he makes Iorfa panic too.
Motm Wallace / Costa.

It was Henry with the pen. Capped his display off nicely.
Worth a tenner. Costa and Wallace very useful. Price dictating the game. Tex needs to cut the show boating, 9/10 he fucked it tonight. Hause and Iorfa plus Lonergan as the defensive spine were a bomb scare. Neither of the CBs open their mouth, give their full back instruction when facing the wrong way etc. Critical when playing CB
AH yes, re-read your post. The line-spacing threw me!
I quite enjoyed the game apart from the moaning bastards around me who moaned about everything even at one point calling the substitutions "Jackett like". It was never going to be pretty with that line up but when we went up a gear and moved the ball quickly in the final third some of the football was fantastic. Even with it being disjointed it was still much better than last year. Someone needs to tell out fans that last man doesn't mean automatic red card these days either as everyone round me was adamant it was a red card.

On the players;

Lonergan - Actually worse than he thought he was, in both cup games now he hasn't looked good enough. Made an excellent save at 1-0 but that's as good as it got, doesn't talk and does not command his area. Every time the ball got put in the box he looked nervous and nearly cost us right at the end. If he communicates we don't concede.

Coady - Looks decent enough at right back, got forward well and defended well enough.

Iorfa - Had a pretty poor game to tell the truth, never really looked on it from the start and struggled to pick it up but was better in the second half though. Panicked for their goal clearing it straight in to Hause and then making it worse with a poor header.

Hause - Wasn't very good in the first half, passing was sloppy and like Iorfa just didn't seem with it. Improved massively after the break though and came forward with the ball well 2 or 3 times and won some very important headers when it was clear Lonergan wasn't going to get it.

Saville - Struggled at left back, didn't track runs and at times there was a gaping hole that was covered only sometimes by Price. Improved when he moved in to midfield.

Henry - Just a game of going through the motions, didn't do a lot and then missed a penalty with a poor effort.

Prince - Can pick out a pass and did so well a few times early on. He isn't as physical as he looks though and needs to get used to the English game.

Price - Neat and tidy as usual, positioning isn't great defensively though when playing in front of the back 4 as he allows the ball to go in between him and the 2 centre backs far too easy which is the reason he doesn't play there. Set pieces not as good as they have been.

Teixeira - Too many needless flicks and should not play midfield again. Much better playing a wider role where he drifts in. Still looked creative and a threat but needs to work on his shooting.

Wallace - Another good performance and deservedly got a goal and could have had at least 1 more. Looks like he will only get better and i have no idea how we sent him out on loan last year.

Costa - Not a front man and that was obvious but lead the line well in a different way, pulling wide and getting in to very dangerous positions. Scored one, set up one, won a penalty and had another couple of decent chances.


Edwards - Didn't do a lot, he runs around but it's obvious he doesn't have the quality on the ball of the rest.

Doherty - Came forward well from left back again but does go too early at times.

Bodvarsson - Looked a big threat again and that he has good feet for quite a big lad
Sounds like more negative than positive, but at least we won.