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The Car Thread

Yeah it's slightly higher in the day but cheaper at night.
Yeah it's slightly higher in the day but cheaper at night.
I keep saying I need to sit and work out what we use and when, I only charge normally about once a week, so octopus would save us about £6 on that, but I think their quote on last 12 months was about 300 quid a year dearer, so not sure it's worth swapping, previous occupants had a prepay meter installed and I think I'd have to have it replaced to direct debit/bill.
Yeah if you continually look out for them on your travels you see them popping up.

Hotels are the next place that needs more money and slow 7kw chargers installing.

With the price of public chargers being 60p-£1 nowadays I have found a local 7kw charger that is only 30p, so I park it there and make the short walk home for 7 hours then go back and collect it. Rather that which costs me about £18 than get charged £45 per charge at the fast ones.

That's just the annoyance of not being able to have a charger at home.
A seven hour walk home and another seven back is a big sacrifice to save £27
I keep saying I need to sit and work out what we use and when, I only charge normally about once a week, so octopus would save us about £6 on that, but I think their quote on last 12 months was about 300 quid a year dearer, so not sure it's worth swapping, previous occupants had a prepay meter installed and I think I'd have to have it replaced to direct debit/bill.
Definitely not worth it for once a week charging.
Race for Glory: Audi vs Lancia on Netflix is about the 1983 World Rally Championship. An enjoyable watch.
Car was booked in to the Nissan dealership I bought my car from as the horn went off for no reason the other week, continuously as if someone was slumped over the steering wheel. I was I'm the house so nobody wad near it.

They phoned to confirm this afternoon and though it's under warranty, there's a diagnostics fee of £110 to pay!

I think it's the relay so will buy one off Ebay for £12 and change it myself
Car was booked in to the Nissan dealership I bought my car from as the horn went off for no reason the other week, continuously as if someone was slumped over the steering wheel. I was I'm the house so nobody wad near it.

They phoned to confirm this afternoon and though it's under warranty, there's a diagnostics fee of £110 to pay!

I think it's the relay so will buy one off Ebay for £12 and change it myself
Can't get my head round this idea that something is under warranty but you still have to pay.
Piss take isn't it?

IF it's the relay I can buy online for £12 and do it myself
That’s nonsense. Surely they can’t do that? My fuel flap got locked stuck and they’ve had to prize it off so I could actually charge it. Audi are replacing it for free but I’ve got to wait 2 months as that’s all they had space wise to book me in alledgedly.
It's what they said, diagnostics not covered by the warranty so have to stump up £110, not impressed
Can't get my head round this idea that something is under warranty but you still have to pay.
Was chatting to the service tech at the main dealer off the record about this the other day. He was saying this is the main gripe customer’s have. Main Dealer warranties appear robust supposedly providing security to the prospective purchaser, but they are employing some quite underhand tactics to pass some of the repair costs back to the customer.

The devil is in the small print and they are very keen to tell you what is covered, but not what isn’t, nor the costs YOU incur while they are diagnosing whatever it is that has failed and whether that in itself is even covered in the first place! It’s tantamount to mis-selling and when it happened to me I was fucking livid. Who wouldn’t be?

The manufacturer eventually offered a discount as a gesture of goodwill but it’s something as customers we really need to wake up to.
Was chatting to the service tech at the main dealer off the record about this the other day. He was saying this is the main gripe customer’s have. Main Dealer warranties appear robust supposedly providing security to the prospective purchaser, but they are employing some quite underhand tactics to pass some of the repair costs back to the customer.

The devil is in the small print and they are very keen to tell you what is covered, but not what isn’t, nor the costs YOU incur while they are diagnosing whatever it is that has failed and whether that in itself is even covered in the first place! It’s tantamount to mis-selling and when it happened to me I was fucking livid. Who wouldn’t be?

The manufacturer eventually offered a discount as a gesture of goodwill but it’s something as customers we really need to wake up to.
I repeatedly decide to extend how long I want to keep hold of my current car for reasons loosely related to this tbh (as well as not understanding all the electric car chat!)
My car is 13 years old. only just ticked over 50k mileage, as I cycle to/from work. Car works brilliantly still (tyres aside! Worth noting when I thought I had replaced the front tyres a year ago in a recent question, I was wrong...) As long as my car keeps going, I think I'll settle with it.
I remain convinced that bmw has always been, and remains the choice of vehicle for utter pricks.
I also think we have to consider how we can make escooters viable, without risking injuries to pedestrians. They work, and could take off so many cars from the roads for short journeys.
I WFH 2 days per week (mon and tues). In the office weds-fri. It is so glaringly obvious the majority of people have friday as a WFH day, because the roads are like they are in half term!
I've mentioned this already. But WFH on a Monday, and working in the office on a Friday is the best of both worlds, missing the worst day of traffic and driving in on the best day.