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Brighton & Hove Albion (A) build up New Years Day


Jeff Shi's Bitch
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
Live on Sky. 3pm kick off.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that we should be looking to win this one. Brighton haven't won in 4 games, have 3 wins in 11 (Charlton/MK Dons/Blues) and have a very physical test tonight vs Mick McCarthy's Ipswich.

Assuming Price and Martinez are still out and that we're sticking with the same formation as vs Charlton:


Iorfa Batth EEL Doherty


Byrne Wallace Coady Graham


Soak up the pressure and hit the fookers on the break.

My guess at their team:


Bruno Greer Dunk Calderon

Crofts Kayal Stephens Murphy

Wilson Hemed​

Definitely beatable, no way should we be going into this worrying about BHA only having been beaten once all season. They're nothing special at all, particularly at the back, we should be looking to get Benik isolated vs Greer or Dunk as often as possible. Kayal & Stephens are quality in the middle though so we'll need the 3 man midfield.
I much prefer us going 4-1-4-1 like that. We just need to encourage the wingers to support Afobe better because that was probably a key difference between the first and second half yesterday. More likely to see Price come in for Edwards than Wallace I reckon, and push McDonald alongside Coady.

Brighton are well organised and do have decent forwards and midfielders, but like you say, it's a winnable game if we turn up with the right attitude and confidence. Not sure we will get that mind you.
Presuming that Price is out, then I expect KJ to name an unchanged starting XI.

Does anyone know how long Price will be out for?
what we're playing BHA?!
No problem playing 4 -1 - 4 - 1, but given that we won the last 2 & there are 5 days between matches wouldn't expect Kenny to change much, if anything.

From comments on here Byrne seems a bit raw for KJ to want to risk him as a starter & you know Davie will be in somewhere.

Winnable, but expect a fairly dull draw
No problem playing 4 -1 - 4 - 1, but given that we won the last 2 & there are 5 days between matches wouldn't expect Kenny to change much, if anything.

From comments on here Byrne seems a bit raw for KJ to want to risk him as a starter & you know Davie will be in somewhere.

Winnable, but expect a fairly dull draw

We set up 4-1-4-1 vs Charlton, I imagine he'll keep it the same vs BHA.
I would take a point. Cant see it being exciting though 0-0 or 1-1
I would be happy if the game was scoreless at half time, Second half play off the home fans anxiety and Wolves better options from the bench.
I have a bad feeling for this one. I will go for a 1-0 win to BHA. I hope I am wrong!
3-1 to the Wolves, just cos Brighton are up there doesn't mean they're that good, our confidence will be a bit better and we are improving slowly
I think we're going to get stuffed. Just as KJ has managed to scrape a few wins and start to instill a touch of confidence is the perfect time for Wolves to bottle it!
Kenny on Brighton - not a lot given away apart from Jack Price probably still not available. Likely to be the same start team

I think we'll play exactly as well as in the last two games, but since it'll be against a better opponent, we'll lose. 2-0 to Brighton is my gut feeling.
While it is true that we can only beat what is put in front of us, I do think the two wins have papered over the cracks. Ebanks-Landell and particularly Doherty are accidents waiting to happen and Brighton are much better than Reading and Charlton.

I'd be over the moon with a point.
The general tactic seems to be run around a lot, try to be powerful, nick a goal then get nine men behind the ball. Been effective the past two games but it's more damage limitation than progression. About where we are. You would rather suspect BHA will have done their homework and will be prepared ..
A small crumb of comfort is that we play Brighton at probably the best time, there injury plagued both Wilson and Zamora may be missing and no Rajiv Van La Ronaldo in the side.
3-1 to the Wolves, just cos Brighton are up there doesn't mean they're that good, our confidence will be a bit better and we are improving slowly

Agreed. Brighton are not on great form, and we go into the game on the back of two successive victories. I think we might just win this one.