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Wolves 0-2 Brentford: Verdict Thread

The Bear

Euro 2012 PTG Champion
Staff member
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score

Disappointing day.

Dreadful first half and deserved to be losing. Dominated possession 2nd half once we put an extra attacker on and went 4-2-3-1 but still very little to show for all that. Bit unlucky for the chalked off goal, who knows if that then lifts us and we go on to win.

Very noticeable that without Cunha we have almost no penetration and rely on Neto to do something on his own. I doubt Hwang would have made much difference as he rarely does much creatively other than pop up and score.

Bellegarde rhymes with fire guard, and he's about as much use as a chocolate one at the minute. Fraser did very little though he didn't see much of the ball. Dawson had a poor game, maybe down to tiredness, who knows.

Neto just about MOTM albeit a very low bar. Not many positives from today and our great home run and scoring run has gone poof to a shithousing prick like Frank.
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Clear action items for Gary after that.

  1. Play Jean elsewhere or not at all.
  2. Figure out anything to get the balance of the attack right without Cunha, because today literally everything came from our right and it made it easy for an already compact and committed Brentford to be that much harder to break down.
In general, though, we were okay, just totally lacking threat. That won’t add up to many points, though.

We move on.
No complaints at that result we just weren’t very good.
Should’ve been 0-3 down before they scored.
Better second half but they just sat back more in all honesty.
Losing Cunha was a massive blow and will be going forward.
I think we have a tendency to play down or up to our opposition. Today we played down to their level and they beat us with experience.
Exactly as I was expecting after last weeks high. Just poor all round really. Started like we did against Utd and gave them far too many opportunities. Deserved to be more than a goal down at half time. Second half was one way traffic but we had no way through. Our final ball was hopeful rather than clinical and we played into their hands by hoisting it high too much. Cunha's injury was critical as we missed his invention and we had no answers. Of course, we then commit a dumb mistake to make it even easier for them. Another day to forget. Opportunity to consolidate top 10 blown. Only ourselves to blame.
Was obvious signs early on that it might be one of ‘those’ days & when Cunha went off it only cemented that. We didn’t change anything when they were creating chance after chance, either by design or lack of options, so it was no surprise when they went ahead. Gaz & the players will be frustrated with the manner of the opener.

The squad is so small & the drop off in quality is so vast when we lose a key player like Cunha or don’t have Hwang available, that it just felt like we had no chance (and Fosun don’t really care as we’re safe anyway). Can’t give the players much stick because we really did give it a go in the second half, but that was probably just as much on Brentford being a side lacking in confidence, with a tough run of fixtures coming up, who were desperate to hold on - rather than us suddenly being amazing.

Just one of those days, I’m afraid. We were due one given the run we’ve been on.

Hopefully the Cunha injury isn’t serious & Hwang will be available for the next game. Shame we’ve got to run these players in to the ground.
Oh, and Brentford’s ‘game management’ was embarrassing (they won’t care) and the fact we only got 6 minutes added on was just as bad.
Oh, and Brentford’s ‘game management’ was embarrassing (they won’t care) and the fact we only got 6 minutes added on was just as bad.
The officials allowing it and not putting time on the board I find more annoying.
For what it's worth our stats were pretty good, 72% possession for one.

Losing Cunha was huge for us of course, and the nature of the injury is worrying as it looks more complicated than an impact injury.

Still, overall i'd pick the 4-1 and the cup win if it meant we had to lose today.
That result was always on the cards after some of the recent heroics.

Too many off the boil today, we huffed and puffed but struggled in the last third again and didn’t threaten to score to be honest.

Sloppy again for both goals as again we lower our standards to suit the opposition.

The disallowed goal flattened us completely and it was ironic that Toney would score after doing fuck all

Didn’t want to watch MOTD anyway😕

How the fuck did we lose to that shower of shyte? 🤨
Hit the post twice, a goal chalked off. Some days it just doesn't want to go in. Their keeper played a blinder.

Lemina, Doyle and Bellegarde taking pot shots from outside the box didn't help I guess?
Ouch. That was sobering.

We’ve had enough slow starts and they are so limited that I’d have been upbeat about our chances of coming back. Losing Cunha really seemed to undermine that though, and we seemed to lack belief without someone who suddenly became talismanic once he’d gone.

Should have known better than to be genuinely optimistic this morning!
That Doherty sub was the worst tactical change I have ever seen. Driven home and my eyes are still bleeding.
Bringing Doc on was us basically conceding that the game was over.

Can't really add to what's already been said as we should have been dead and buried by half time. And if you're that poor in one half of the game then you can't complain when you get beat.
Should have known it wasn't going to be a good afternoon when I got in the ground and they were playing Red Hot fucking Chili Peppers. No need, ghastly stuff.

We looked shaky defensively right from kick off and in truth Brentford should have had three or four before HT. Terrible goal, Semedo does the hard bit and covers round but inexplicably kicks it out for a corner, God knows what happened to the marking and Sa is nowhere.

Had Neto's effort right before HT, or his shot off the post, or the disallowed goal counted...we might well have gone on to win. But then a crap pass by Sa, a worse one by Dawson, five seconds later it's 0-2 and all over.

Blatant cheating by Flekken and standard Brentford shithousing, a horrible team. The worst aspect of the day is we've contributed to probably having to watch them next season again.

Ait-Nouri, Lemina and Neto tried their best, Fraser put himself about to limited effect, it never quite happened for Sarabia today and Bellegarde was totally ineffectual again, still don't know what he is. Or what the hell that sub involving Doherty was.

Mid table team having an off day really, write it off and move on.
Play the same team enough times and in the end they will get something out of the game. Just happy we don’t have to play them again this season.
Game was over by the time Doc came on. Seemed a bit of a pointless substitution (unless Nels did something I missed), but not really worth getting bent out of shape about*

*I appreciate people hate him
Game was over by the time Doc came on. Seemed a bit of a pointless substitution (unless Nels did something I missed), but not really worth getting bent out of shape about*

*I appreciate people hate him

It was just so weird, if you want to give Semedo 10 minutes off because the game is basically over then fine. But why put Doherty at LWB, Ait-Nouri at LCH and Neto at RWB?!