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Cardiff 2 v Wolves 1 verdict thread

Parkins left foot

'Quirk's Gay Game Winner'
May 11, 2012
Reaction score

Played for 10 mins in this game - no midfield will punish us as our defence is not good enough to hold out

Wrong subs by Lambert - control needed which we didn't get

Defence will be pilloried (& the goals against were poor) but if we have no control of the ball then they will come under pressure
Going down folks. I have zero faith in anything in that side..
Anybody want me ticket for Boxing Day!

Depressing stuff.
New central defenders needed, even if Williamson only has one leg he should start the next game - he'll still be more mobile than Batth.

Lambert needs to take his stupid British Championship experience blinkers off and play silvio too.
Saville and Edwards was a disaster waiting to happen. We can barely afford to have one of those types of players let alone two. Our back four is a shambles. I feel sorry for Burgoyne.
I can't explain how these defenders have gone so backward. You wouldn't expect things this bad from your mates on a sunday.

Iorfa and Batth are bigger issues than Matt Doherty. And one is the captain!
If Lambert actually knows the problems and is given the cash to spend in January we should be ok, but if Thelwell is advising and selecting poor targets AGAIN then we're doomed. Thing is, if Fosun are still interested given our current position, or will they jettison us.
New central defenders needed, even if Williamson only has one leg he should start the next game - he'll still be more mobile than Batth.

Lambert needs to take his stupid British Championship experience blinkers off and play silvio too.

totally. bad performance elsewhere but we can't concede goals like that. header in the 6 yard box and the mess of the second.
This is down to piss poor management and coaching. These players aren't as bad as this but the backroom staff is stinking the place out. Just fuck 'em off or we are going down.

Paul Lambert record at Wolves: P5, W1, D2, L2. Pts 5. That's relegation form right there.

Oh and the one win was against 10 men.
Absolutely fucking livid now, showed fuck all back bone in that second half.
We've accumulated a back four and central midfield full of players that I wouldn't be confident with in the likely hood we go down.
The squad needs a complete overhaul. Can't see any other scenario than us being relegated at the moment especially when you need to score 3 goals to win a game and our strikers haven't scored since August.
This shits has been festering at the club for over 12 months now and the likes of Thelwell need moving on quickly.
Feel physically at thought of going back to 3rd tier football again.
I am starting to wonder how we managed 14th with this set of players last season. Kenny's shitfest was clearly that lot overperforming.

Entire new defence needed and GK in Jan along with a midfielder or 2 and a striker. Fuck it kick the lot out.

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Saville and Edwards was a disaster waiting to happen. We can barely afford to have one of those types of players let alone two. Our back four is a shambles. I feel sorry for Burgoyne.

You just can't do it, it defies belief. If you have two of a three man midfield who can't really pass the ball, can't take the sting out of the game, can't link play and aren't great defensively then what is it you're actually looking to do?

The defence is rank, we know that, we can't do a huge amount about it because we're stuck with what we have for the next couple of weeks and any combination you put out is players that are either wildly out of form and have been for months, or just aren't good enough full stop. One clean sheet in 13 games (and that in a game where we didn't really try to attack against a moderate team) tells its own story. So what do you do in those circumstances? You need to keep pressure off them. Don't play one DM because he can't do it all on his own. Try to get some players in the team who are going to help us keep the ball. Play a formation with the appropriate personnel which means we can actually support whoever's up front and try to get the ball to stick up there a bit. But no, let's stick with these tactics. They've been working so well since September.

Chronic goals to give away - simple headers three yards out and the cumulative disaster that is the winner are just appalling pieces of defending - but the wider picture is that there are massive structural problems with the way we set up and alarm bells in terms of general quality everywhere except the two wingers.
We need some serious quality to come in during January. We also need to stop playing Saville at the very least. Price, Evans or even a kid from the u23s must be a better option
Danny Batth, no mans land. No mans land, Danny Batth.

Fact is that that game was lost in midfield

We know that our defence is vulnerable & if we give up that much control of the ball to the opposition then we will concede at some point.

Not saying that that we don't need better defenders, but Cardiff were not a top Championship side, but we gave them the freedom of the field tonight & paid the penalty.

That could/should have been a minimum of a point if not 3 - wrong subs by Lambert - we needed control of the ball back, but he put no one on who might have helped in achieving that
Look at Iorfa with his back turned as well. Utter shite.
I can't explain how these defenders have gone so backward. You wouldn't expect things this bad from your mates on a sunday.

Iorfa and Batth are bigger issues than Matt Doherty. And one is the captain!

Batth has been shit for years...
Yes we need new players, but we also need to offload a lot of players. Two problems:

How do you attract players to a team in a relegation battle in the championship?

And how do we offload players? I doubt there will be many takers in our division.

And one final question, how on earth have we got in this mess?