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Wolves 1 Cardiff 2 - verdict thread

Norman Deeley

Dean Saunders's Press Officer
Feb 13, 2012
Reaction score
OK, we lost. It hurts, especially to that cunt. But in the long run there are positives. Nuno and the players now know exactly what the Championship is all about. The defeat happened before the end of the window. Mendes was there. We now know what we need to bring in and Fosun will do it. And we now have a run of 7 games up to the end of September that really should yield 16 points minimum - that will give us 25 points after 11 games and that is well on course for the title. So feels like the end of the world but ain't the end of the world. But fuck it all the same...
Onwards and upwards. Done a job on us and Scott Duncan didn't help us one bit.
Ref must have been bent. Saiss took an elbow to the throat and at first he didn't even give a foul.
Its a great start its just losing to that nut job that is so disappointing, referee just let them get away with pretty much everything no way they should have had 11 players on at the end. What we must do though is accept there will be bad referee's this one was a real stinker but its going to happen and we have to find a way to win anyway. There will be more teams especially at home that come to kick lumps out of us and frustrate us we have to deal with that better than we did today, Jota in particular really wasn't enjoying himself.

Both goals should have been avoided really and were poor defensively, which has been one of our strengths so far this season. I wonder in this game if Bennett would have been a better option than Miranda who just got bullied terribly all game.

I actually think Doc had a decent game but I think creatively we will be so much better with Marshall in that position.

I am going to celebrate 9 points from 12th and sitting 3rd in the table knowing we are far from the finished article.
Let's not fool ourselves into thinking this result was purely down to the dreadful refereeing. Cardiff played with far greater intensity and bullied us in every area.

They played some reasonable football and, imo, deserved a result.

The ref was abominable though, aside from the Saiss incident (which I didn't fully see) he must have missed 5 handballs!
Cardiff were in our faces and had worked out our "out" balls to the fullbacks.

Miranda and Boly are great on the ball, Miranda did get caught out a few times though as did Coady. For all Coadys leading / vocalness I'm not sure he's a CB

Neves and Saiss did well in midfield but the whole performance felt a bit disjointed. Cav had a bit more end product than Bright - I think we should be starting with Cav. He's more likely to deliver quality.

Douglas looked good going forward but did get beat a few times.

Cardiff had a game plan and took full advantage of a weak referee, the amount of missed off the ball incidents and handballs was frankly embarrassing. I heard Saiss scream in the upper Steve Bull and if he's been elbowed in the throat that's a red. Cardiff players were also going down "injured" whenever we were attacking and the ref did nothing. I suppose though that's what we should expect from a Warnock team.

A horrible game to watch, I reckon I spent about 20 minutes watching the Cardiff keeper taking goal kicks.

When we did start playing we looked dangerous, I'm not sure 343 is our best formation. I do think we'd be better with a 4231
Miranda was right in front of me second half, he really did not do well. Zahore had him beat for pace and strength and that lazy cock head in front of him did nothing to help out.
Dirty bastards and poor decisions first half which rattled us. Thought they were pretty good other than that. Not happy with the 1-2 but still 3rd place and onwards.
Better side won the day they created the better chances and looked more solid throughout the game.
We were poor at the back today and both goals came from errors.
But that referee was simply appalling the worse I've ever seen at a live game. Best was Jota had clearly deflected shot go behind and he gave a goal kick.
Let countless of the niggles go by and was damn right inconsistent. Didn't see the incident with Saiss so can't comment.
Early learning curve and we have to toughen up a bit, as a spectacle it wasn't enjoyable one bit constantly stop start.
Not going to give a proper verdict and not going to blame the ref for losing as the 2 goals we have away were nothing to do with him but it was possibly the worst refereeing performance i've ever seen live, even worse than the one we got in Cardiff last season. The amount of fouls off the ball that went unnoticed, the handballs that went unpunished and the time wasting in the second half even at 0-0 which was ignored was nothing short of a joke.

Anyway away from the ref, we lost this at the back. Douglas, Miranda and Boly were in particular poor with Zohore and NML giving us massive problems. I don't think he's scored this season and Bonatini has 2 but Zohore is such a threat and i would like to see him in a real good footballing side like ours. I'm not that bothered about losing, in a way i'm glad it's happened now as it can take the focus away from us again and Nuno and the lads with have learnt an awful lot from today. I still think we will get promoted as sides aren't going to be able to kick us and we won't make those mistakes every week.
Terrible performance really, we were shaky as fuck at the back and couldn't really get a hold in midfield. The ref was so fucking bad it was beyond belief and he did contribute to our game breaking down, I don't think I've seen such a criminally inept performance from a ref for a long time.

Warnock's a grade A cunt and his gameplan was rank but it worked.
it was possibly the worst refereeing performance i've ever seen live, even worse than the one we got in Cardiff last season.
How he didn't give a corner from the deflection in front of the South Bank was beyond belief.
How he didn't give a corner from the deflection in front of the South Bank was beyond belief.

Yeah unbelievable really. Every ref can get decisions on tackles wrong but the handballs and that deflection were simple yet he missed them.
I could see that deflection clear as day from the North Bank. How he couldn't is quite astonishing.

Zohore was brilliant. Just about perfection for a striker at this level.
Last year unbeaten start ended by a Rvlp goal at Huddersfield . They also won at Newcastle . After 46 games Newcastle were champions and Huddersfield in the play off. Let's hope history repeats itself. I would like us to stop conceding goals to ex forwards though. It's beyond a joke
Agree with what's been said, ref didn't help. But Cardiff had a cutting edge. We gave the ball away to often, sloppy. Miranda wasn't as awful as made out but he did start slow and Zahore is clearly a good player. Coady hasn't done a lot wrong but I'd be tempted to have a proper CB there. Cav was instantly a threat and there was a few times at the end we should've been passing the ball to him rather than keeping our back to the ball somewhere in the centre. Jota is clearly a good player, but Bright had more impact. Leo impressed me greatly today, I think he'll grow into a massive asset this season, but we probably should be bringing in someone with a cutting edge. I'd take Zahore in a heartbeat. Overall we weren't bad, but sloppy, and Cardiff won on merit although at 1-1 I did really fancy us to win. Poor poor defending on their second right from the Cardiff goal kick. I think Neves and Saiss left it for each other and that started the movement. Still a bit more gelling to do. The potential is clear, we're going to be there at the end of the season, and I'm glad they've learnt the hard way about being more decisive on the ball. Really hope Nuno makes them watch the game 2 or 3 times over and highlights those clear issues. Frustrating game but it's one of 46 games. Cardiff's approach will work less often than ours over the course of the season.

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Has anyone seen the elbow to saiss again? Seemed like a nailed on red, but looked like the ref bottled it...
I watched it on Wolves TV which is quite different to being in the stadium, however, I didn't see Cardiff as being overly physical. Were they physical? Yes. Don't let that detract you from the fact that they were pretty much better than us in every department. They kept our dangerous players quiet, we hardly troubled them in the first half. We had a little spell in the final 15 minutes of the opening half but I doubt they were too worried. The second half was pretty flat until they opened up and they could have had 1 or 2 goals.

We were also quite niggly, just not as good at it as them (I'm still not quite sure of this is a good or a bad thing) and this gave them the edge. We looked uncomfortable defensively and we lacked real penetration going forward. We also didn't offer much in midfield. Cardiff closed us down well and you have to give them credit for that. Do I admire their style of play? Not one bit! Did I admire ours today? Not one bit! That being said, I like Nuno and the philosophy that he is trying to implement. I believe it will come to fruition in the end. Take nothing form Warnock (spit) and CArdiff, though, they look good and will probably be at the top end of the table come the end of the season.
One shot on target in 90 minutes at home. Even on a bad day we need to be better than that. It has taken just 3 games for an opposition to work out "the system" and at no time did it look like we were going to try something different to effect the game - except the substitution of Bonatini for Dicko which was reversed when the former scored. Cardiff shut down the ball to the wing backs, pushed onto our three centre backs and closed down our midfielders. They won all the individual battles and deservedly won, and they could have won by more.

There was some good play from Wolves but it wasn't sustained and it generally died out in the final third.

It wasn't a very good game to watch.
Not going to give a proper verdict and not going to blame the ref for losing as the 2 goals we have away were nothing to do with him but it was possibly the worst refereeing performance i've ever seen live, even worse than the one we got in Cardiff last season. The amount of fouls off the ball that went unnoticed, the handballs that went unpunished and the time wasting in the second half even at 0-0 which was ignored was nothing short of a joke.

Anyway away from the ref, we lost this at the back. Douglas, Miranda and Boly were in particular poor with Zohore and NML giving us massive problems. I don't think he's scored this season and Bonatini has 2 but Zohore is such a threat and i would like to see him in a real good footballing side like ours. I'm not that bothered about losing, in a way i'm glad it's happened now as it can take the focus away from us again and Nuno and the lads with have learnt an awful lot from today. I still think we will get promoted as sides aren't going to be able to kick us and we won't make those mistakes every week.
Just a clarification; Zohore scored against Burton. Good curling left foot shot from outside the box into the bottom right corner.