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Burton 2 - Wolves 1 a disappointing end to a good week verdict thread

Parkins left foot

'Quirk's Gay Game Winner'
May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Never really got going in that - possibly the wrong tactics/personnel on a tight pitch in a small stadium

We should have had enough to come through that game, but no intensity in the second half at all - don't think that we gave them any real problems to deal with
Never mind Wolves. Churn out another feel good factor YouTube video and I'm sure everything will be alright.
Not up for that from the first minute to the last. A truly spineless performance and difficult to remove anyone from criticism. Even the penalty was debatable, the keeper got a finger on the ball before clearing out Edwards. On a poor pitch and a tight ground we didn't want it enough, didn't battle hard enough and created very little. Marshall for Costa on the left and leave Ronan on the bench was fucking stupid.
Really annoying that we couldn't build on a great week with a good performance here. Have to be more consistent next season if we're going to push the top teams.
Never mind Wolves. Churn out another feel good factor YouTube video and I'm sure everything will be alright.

Concentrating on the FA Cup by the looks of it :angry-smiley-034:
Awful all round today. Not sure why Lambert persisted in allowing the pumped balls into Dicko. Felt so sorry for Nouha he had nothing to work with. Tactically Lambert didn't have a clue, Costa and Wiemann hands on hips waiting for Dicko to win flick ons against massive cloggers.

The midfield was powder puff in Evans and Savile who made it clear that weren't up for any fight or football. Everything just went up the air sorry to sound like a broken record. Shocking today.
I keep expecting us to give one of the small teams a tonking given our attacking threat.. .. . ....disappointed again.
Seems to me that PL has given up on this season and is using it to see what he has, trying different personnel and different tactics. As long as he learns from it and does something about it in the future, then that's fine
It was the third away game in a week, so maybe there were a few tired legs out there. A disappointing result, but maybe not unexpected.
Dreadful performance. Evans and Saville the pick of the disappointing bunch. Especially Evans as most people have written off Saville*.

Dicko never had chance with the balls being hoofed 3 meters over his head all game.

Lambert has to take this as a loss that was down to him, tactics, personal and sun's all wrong. Marshall with an insipid debut, albeit not in a position he plays.

*apologies for suggesting Saville should start
Saints to sinners in a week.

Which game would you rather win though...

Evidently we weren't very good today, it's really disappointing that neither Saville nor Evans stepped up as they won't necessarily get many chances and they have to make it count when they do get given a go. To create so little is poor and to concede with the last kick is gutting. But ultimately our league season is dead, we can't go up, we won't go down. It's not a result which will count for anything in the grand scheme of things.

Just to add that Sheffield Wednesday, Huddersfield, Norwich, Derby, Barnsley, Fulham, Birmingham, Ipswich, QPR, Forest, Bristol City, Burton, Blackburn, Wigan and Rotherham all currently own at least one ex-Wolves player. By no means have all or even most of them had said player(s) score against us this season. So while it's true that ex-players do pop up from time to time and knock one in, and occasionally there'll be a season where it happens marginally more often than normal, by no fucking means does it happen every time. So let's just knock that one on the head right now.
Which game would you rather win though...

Evidently we weren't very good today, it's really disappointing that neither Saville nor Evans stepped up as they won't necessarily get many chances and they have to make it count when they do get given a go. To create so little is poor and to concede with the last kick is gutting. But ultimately our league season is dead, we can't go up, we won't go down. It's not a result which will count for anything in the grand scheme of things.

Just to add that Sheffield Wednesday, Huddersfield, Norwich, Derby, Barnsley, Fulham, Birmingham, Ipswich, QPR, Forest, Bristol City, Burton, Blackburn, Wigan and Rotherham all currently own at least one ex-Wolves player. By no means have all or even most of them had said player(s) score against us this season. So while it's true that ex-players do pop up from time to time and knock one in, and occasionally there'll be a season where it happens marginally more often than normal, by no fucking means does it happen every time. So let's just knock that one on the head right now.

Kightly scored though.
Quite. Ex-players always score against us apart from the dozens of times they don't and then no-one comments on it either way.
Quite. Ex-players always score against us apart from the dozens of times they don't and then no-one comments on it either way.

It's less fun pretending ex-players don't always score against us though! And in an insipid and unispirational game like today that's about all we've got!

Burton probably shaded the game and deserved the win, Wolves were as poor as I've seen us this season.
Quite. Ex-players always score against us apart from the dozens of times they don't and then no-one comments on it either way.

I think it sticks out more as the players that do score against us either a) couldn't score for us e.g. Alf or haven't been prolific either for us or since they left like Kightly.
Well that was rubbish. A complete non-performance after three good away results on the spin. It was always going to be tough coming to a ground like Burton's with a bobbly pitch and them playing 5 across midfield. But there was no real fight or our usual pressing game. No counter-attacking, no passing along the floor, nothing.

First half we simply pumped aimless balls up towards Dicko or down the channels in the hope he'd do something and beat a defender. Mousinho had him well under control though really. He tried hard and when the ball came to feet he did ok, but otherwise nothing. Irvine was running the centre if the pitch for them. Saville was anonymous and had players drifting by him. At least Evans was getting stuck in and winning the ball from time to time. Kites gave Coady too much to do down their left and he linked play with Sordell really well. He was their best player along with Irvine. Dicko had one good chance after turning the defender but his shot was pushed wide. Weimann offered nothing on the left. The penalty was dubious. Edwards possibly got clipped but the GK likely got to the ball first. Undeserved lead at HT.

Edit - Just seen the goals. Nailed on pen to us! Completely wiped Edwards out even if he did get a fist to the ball.

Less said about the 2nd half the better. I can't remember one chance or shot we created, and it was more aimless balls forwards. We switched to 4-4-2 with Marshall on the left and Bright on the right. Bright at least tried to run at players but he's so lightweight he rarely does anything. Tex is a better player and I'd rather see him out there. I don't care that Bright is ours, he doesn't look good enough for this level yet. The subs did nothing when they came on. We just continued to launch it long and hope for the best but we offered nothing and then got done on the break ourselves for the corner they scored from.

Less said about the defending for their goals the better. 2nd phase we just switched off on both and left players unmarked. The second goal especially, Hause should be challenging for that ball in the air.

Fully deserved loss really. We didn't look the same team. Maybe fatigue played a part and possibly the pitch. We made plenty of changes though so it shouldn't have been an issue really.


Ikeme - No chance with either goal. Made a superb save from Kites' free kick in the 2nd half but otherwise not much to do. Claimed a couple of high balls well. - 6

Doherty - No attacking threat and very average defending. One Ikeme throw out which he miscontrolled and lost the ball, leading to a Burton corner which was particularly bad - 5

Stears - Headed everything away well and defended their left channel ok. Though several chances came from that left side and Kightly - 6

Hause - Solid enough in the first half but not particularly good in the second. Heading balls straight up in the air and slicing bouncing balls. Should have done better for their winner too (IMO) - 5

Coady - OK performance but Kites passed it round him too easily at times. Nothing generally bad but not good enough either. The home fans cried every time he stole a yard or two on throw ins which was amusing - 5

Saville - Very poor. No fight, got beaten too easily, and did nothing with the ball. Needed to come off at half time for Price IMO. Soon replaced after the equaliser though - 4

Evans - Put himself about in a struggling midfield but resorted to simple passes and didn't try anything really. A bit too safe but not the worst player on the pitch - 6

Edwards - Your standard performance when he doesn't score. Good work rate and gets stuck in but offers very little going forward. He didn't even make any late runs today because we were so poor going forward - 6

Costa - No spark today and nothing came off for him. Didn't beat his man once and fell over too easily. Didn't look up for it tbh. One to forget but a superb penalty as usual! - 5

Weimann - Anonymous first half. Anonymous second half. I can't remember him doing a single thing of note. Rightly hooked - 4

Dicko - Tried his best with the ball too often sailing towards his head. Did ok and tried to turn his man when the ball came into his feet but Mousinho had him in his pocket apart from one chance, which was saved - 6


Bright - He's a trier and did better than Costa but that wasn't saying much. Far too lightweight when trying to beat players, and you have to question whether he is any better than Texeira (he isn't). Doesn't look ready for this level and should be out on loan IMO - 5

Marshall - Awful. Didn't win a single header out on the left from long balls. Tried to beat his man once but knocked it out of play. Not a left winger I grant you, but a poor cameo surrounded by poor performances - 4

Bodvarsson - Another who did the square root of nothing when he came on. Won a flick on or two as we lumped it forward late, but also shockingly passed the ball out of play trying a five yard pass as well - 4
Did Coady do nothing at all? - no score for him though don't think that he was the worst player out there for us :D
A lot of our good football under lambert has been counter attacking and getting it back to front quickly which in a game like this maybe isn't going to work so well. I'm surprised and disappointed we were worse with Costa and Weimann in the side than midweek but sounds like they didn't get much chance to get involved with all the hoofball. Surely lambert should have done something about that
Crap effort all round. Must sort this out against shit teams. Losing to Norwich or Brighton is one thing. Losing to Burton Wigan Cardiff, QPR is clearly another given where we Allegedly want to be.